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Combo Boxes

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On Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, use combo boxes in place of option buttons to conserve space or when the user needs to add entries to a list. For more information, see Option Buttons.

When you include combo boxes in your application, use the following guidelines:

  • Pre-scroll the list so that the currently selected item is in view, if the state of the list was saved.
  • Determine the trade-off between saving space and clearly identifying all application options using option buttons.
  • Resolve hardware navigation issues. More than a navigation pad is needed to access all the combo box functionality such as the drop-down list and list selection.

State Attributes

The following illustration shows the appearance of the combo box control in its different states.

Label Attributes

For labels on a Windows Mobile–based Pocket PC device, use the 9pt Tahoma black font and sentence capitalization.

Development Considerations

Consider the following development conditions when you include combo box controls in an application:

  • In some Windows Mobile–based Smartphone specifications, a combo box control is called an item picker.
  • Pre-scroll the list so that the currently selected item (if the state was saved) is in view.
  • Pressing the Action button on a Windows Mobile–based Smartphone device when the combo box is in focus displays the list and allows the user to select an item.
  • Combo boxes have SIP interaction for CBS_DROPDOWNEDIT (editable) style. Consider how this works with a keyboard device. Hardware navigation is a concern with this control because more than a d-pad is needed to access all of the functions, such as cursor movement, drop-down list, select, and change focus.

See Also

User Interface Control Guidelines | Capitalization and Punctuation Guidelines | List Boxes Reference | List View Guidelines

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