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This structure sets the information for a new document list.

typedef struct tagDLC {
  DWORD dwStructSize;
  HWND hwndParent;
  LPCTSTR pszFolder;
  LPCTSTR pstrFilter;
  WORD wFilterIndex;
  WORD wId;
  DWORD dwFlags;


  • dwStructSize
    The size of the DOCLISTCREATE structure.
  • hwndParent
    Handle to the parent window.
  • pszFolder
    The initial folder to display when the document list view window is opened.
  • pstrFilter
    Pointer to the filter string.
  • wFilterIndex
    An index into the filter string for the initial filter.
  • wId
    The ID of the document list control.
  • dwFlags
    The document list view window creation flags.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later.
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: doclist.h
Library: doclist.lib.

See Also


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