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This structure contains the constituent parts of a URL and is used within the InternetCrackUrl and InternetCreateUrl functions.


typedef struct {
  DWORD dwStructSize;
  LPTSTR lpszScheme;
  DWORD dwSchemeLength;
  LPTSTR lpszHostName;
  DWORD dwHostNameLength;
  LPTSTR lpszUserName;
  DWORD dwUserNameLength;
  LPTSTR lpszPassword;
  DWORD dwPasswordLength;
  LPTSTR lpszUrlPath;
  DWORD dwUrlPathLength;
  LPTSTR lpszExtraInfo;
  DWORD dwExtraInfoLength;


  • dwStructSize
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the size, in bytes, of this structure. Used for version checking. The size of this structure must be set to initialize this structure properly.
  • lpszScheme
    Pointer to a string value that contains the scheme name.
  • dwSchemeLength
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the length of the scheme name in TCHAR.
  • nScheme
    INTERNET_SCHEME value that indicates the Internet protocol scheme.
  • lpszHostName
    Pointer to a string value that contains the host name.
  • dwHostNameLength
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the length of the host name in TCHAR.
  • nPort
    Converted port number.
  • lpszUserName
    Pointer to a string value that contains the user name.
  • dwUserNameLength
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the length of the user name in TCHAR.
  • lpszPassword
    Pointer to a string value that contains the password.
  • dwPasswordLength
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the length of the password in TCHAR.
  • lpszUrlPath
    Pointer to a string value that contains the URL path.
  • dwUrlPathLength
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the length of the URL path in TCHAR.
  • lpszExtraInfo
    Pointer to a string value that contains the extra information (for example, ?something or #something).
  • dwExtraInfoLength
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the length of the extra information in TCHAR.


For InternetCrackUrl, if a pointer member and its corresponding length member are both zero, that component is not returned. If the pointer member is NULL but the length member is not zero, both the pointer and length members are returned. If both pointer and corresponding length members are nonzero, the pointer member points to a buffer where the component is copied. The component can be unescaped, depending on the dwFlags parameter of InternetCrackUrl.

For InternetCreateUrl, the pointer members should be NULL if the component is not required. If the corresponding length member is zero, the pointer member is the address of a zero-terminated string. If the length member is not zero, it is the string length of the corresponding pointer member.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: urlmon.h
Library: urlmon.lib

See Also

URL Moniker Services Structures

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