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Internet Explorer Mobile Overview

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Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile offers the following important capabilities for the Windows Mobile–based device:

  • A rich Web experience without the need to connect through a special content-modifying proxy.
  • Implementation of key Internet technology standards such as the following:
    • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to help improve the security of transactions. For more information, see Internet Explorer Mobile Security.

    • HTML 4.0. For more information, see HTML Support for Internet Explorer Mobile.

    • XHTML.

    • Cascading style sheets (CSS) Mobile Profile 1.0.

    • Frames for basic formatting.

      Note   Frames consume a large amount of space on the screen, just for the borders and margins, and therefore are not recommended for Internet Explorer Mobile. If you must use frames, limit them to no more than two per screen, preferably stacked vertically to maximize screen space.

      Note   Windows Mobile–based Smartphones do not support frames.

    • Cookies for storing local data.

  • Support for ActiveX® controls.
  • Support for Extensible Markup Language (XML), which enables Web-standard data exchange and the development of rich Web applications for the Windows Mobile–based device.

Some of the innovative ways that Internet Explorer Mobile delivers the Web to small-screen devices include the following:

  • A Default menu option that dynamically resizes Web pages to maximize viewing on the smaller, vertically oriented screens of Pocket PC devices.
  • A Zoom menu option allows the user to view text and images on the screen in different sizes.
  • Smart caching, which determines whether local versions of Web pages are available, thereby potentially avoiding trips to the Internet, improving download speed, and saving connection charges.

See Also

Font Support on Windows Mobile–based Devices | HTML Reference for Internet Explorer Mobile | HTML Support for Internet Explorer Mobile | Mobile Web Site Design Overview | Internet Explorer Mobile Security | Scripting Support in Internet Explorer Mobile

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