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Metabase Datatypes

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The OMA DM Format property is called a datatype in the metabase. The datatype specifies the node value.

The following table lists the datatypes.

Datatype Description
int An integer. This value is tranlsated by the OMA DM Data Process Unit (DPU).
chr A char. This is equivalent to string in OMA, and is translated by the DPU.
bool Boolean. This value is tranlsated by the DPU.
null Null.
node An interior node.
b64 Base64 encoded. b64 is not a valid datatype in the Metabase. b64 is supported in the DM package transmitted between client and the server. The b64 encoded data is stored in the device as binary type.
mchr Multistring. Microsoft extended multistring datatype. MultipleString data type is treated as chr format in OMA DM. Each string is terminated with unicode 0xF000.
Time Time. The time format is ISO 8601 format. Time only and the combination of date and time are both supported. If the date + time format is used then a 'T' must appear between the date and time.

The following ISO 8601 time formats are supported:

  • UTC basic format: hhmmssZ
  • UTC extended format: hh:mm:ssZ
  • local time with time zone information- basic format: hhmmss+hh and hhmmss+hhmm
  • local time with time zone information - extended format: hh:mm:ss+hh and hh:mm:ss+hh:mm

When you query a time format node, the Universal Time (UTC, also known as GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time) format is returned regardless whether it is created or replaced with UTC or local time that includes time zone information.

Date A date. The date format is ISO 8601 format with the century being included in the year.

The following ISO 8601 date formats are supported:

  • basic format: YYYYMMDD
  • Extended format: YYYY-MM-DD

The supported date range is from January 2nd , 1753 to December 31th, 2078.

See Also

Metabase Settings | OMA Device Management

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