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This method retrieves information about an object in the object store or a mounted database volume store on a remote Microsoft® Windows® CE–based device.

BOOL CeOidGetInfoEx(
  PCEGUID pceguid, 
  CEOID oid,
  CEOIDINFO * poidInfo 


  • pceguid
    [in] Pointer to the CEGUID that contains the globally unique identifier of a mounted database or the object store. Use the CREATE_SYSTEMGUID macro to obtain the GUID of the object store.
  • oid
    [in] Identifier of the object for which information is to be retrieved.
  • poidInfo
    [out] Pointer to a CEOIDINFO structure that contains information about the object.

Return Values

Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call IRAPISession::CeGetLastError and IRAPISession::CeRapiGetError.


The difference between IRAPISession::CeOidGetInfo and IRAPISession::CeOidGetInfoEx is that IRAPISession::CeOidGetInfo retrieves information about objects only in the object store databases, while CeOidGetInfoEx retrieves information about objects in mounted database volumes in addition to the object store databases.

Earlier versions of Windows CE assigned object identifiers to objects in other file systems, such as the file allocation table (FAT) file system. These object identifiers were guaranteed to be unique within a volume, but not across multiple volumes. Effective with version 3.0, only objects in the object store have valid, unique object identifiers and the object store is the only volume that can return an object identifier.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: Rapi2.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib, Rapiuuid.lib

See Also

IRAPISession::IUnknown | CEOIDINFO | IRAPISession::CeCreateDatabaseEx | IRAPISession::CeOpenDatabaseEx | IRAPISession::CeOidGetInfo

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