Microsoft.Practices.Unity Namespace
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This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |
The latest Unity Application Block information can be found at the Unity Application Block site. |
Class | Description | |
ArrayResolutionStrategy |
This strategy implements the logic that will call container.ResolveAll when an array parameter is detected.
ContainerControlledLifetimeManager |
A LifetimeManager that holds onto the instance given to it. When the ContainerControlledLifetimeManager is disposed, the instance is disposed with it.
DependencyAttribute |
This attribute is used to mark properties and parameters as targets for injection.
DependencyResolutionAttribute |
Base class for attributes that can be placed on parameters or properties to specify how to resolve the value for that parameter or property.
ExtensionContext |
The ExtensionContext class provides the means for extension objects to manipulate the internal state of the UnityContainer.
ExternallyControlledLifetimeManager |
A LifetimeManager that holds a weak reference to its managed instance.
GenericParameter |
A InjectionParameterValue that lets you specify that an instance of a generic type parameter should be resolved.
GenericResolvedArrayParameter |
A InjectionParameterValue that lets you specify that an array containing the registered instances of a generic type parameter should be resolved.
InjectedMembers |
A Unity container extension that allows you to configure which constructors, properties, and methods get injected via an API rather than through attributes.
InjectionConstructor |
A class that holds the collection of information for a constructor, so that the container can be configured to call this constructor.
InjectionConstructorAttribute |
This attribute is used to indicate which constructor to choose when the container attempts to build a type.
InjectionMember |
Base class for objects that can be used to configure what class members get injected by the container.
InjectionMethod |
An InjectionMember that configures the container to call a method as part of buildup.
InjectionMethodAttribute |
This attribute is used to mark methods that should be called when the container is building an object.
InjectionParameter |
A class that holds on to the given value and provides the required IDependencyResolverPolicy when the container is configured.
InjectionParameter<TParameter> |
A generic version of InjectionParameter that makes it a little easier to specify the type of the parameter.
InjectionParameterValue |
Base type for objects that are used to configure parameters for constructor or method injection, or for getting the value to be injected into a property.
InjectionProperty |
This class stores information about which properties to inject, and will configure the container accordingly.
LifetimeManager |
Base class for Lifetime managers - classes that control how and when instances are created by the Unity container.
LifetimeManagerFactory |
An implementation of ILifetimeFactoryPolicy that creates instances of the type of the given Lifetime Manager by resolving them through the container.
NamedEventArgs |
An EventArgs class that holds a string Name.
PerThreadLifetimeManager |
A LifetimeManager that holds the instances given to it, keeping one instance per thread.
RegisterEventArgs |
Event argument class for the Registering event.
RegisterInstanceEventArgs |
Event argument class for the RegisteringInstance event.
ResolutionFailedException |
The exception thrown by the Unity container when an attempt to resolve a dependency fails.
ResolvedArrayParameter |
A class that stores a type, and generates a resolver object that resolves all the named instances or the type registered in a container.
ResolvedArrayParameter<TElement> |
A generic version of ResolvedArrayParameter for convenience when creating them by hand.
ResolvedArrayWithElementsResolverPolicy |
An implementation of IDependencyResolverPolicy that resolves to an array populated with the values that result from resolving other instances of IDependencyResolverPolicy.
ResolvedParameter |
A class that stores a name and type, and generates a resolver object that resolves the parameter via the container.
ResolvedParameter<TParameter> |
A generic version of ResolvedParameter for convenience when creating them by hand.
SynchronizedLifetimeManager |
Base class for Lifetime managers which need to synchronize calls to GetValue().
TransientLifetimeManager |
An LifetimeManager implementation that does nothing, thus ensuring that instances are created new every time.
TypedInjectionValue |
A base class for implementing InjectionParameterValue classes that deal in explicit types.
UnityContainer |
A simple, extensible dependency injection container.
UnityContainerBase |
A base class for implmenting IUnityContainer that provides reasonable implementations for most of the overloads defined by the interface. The overloads all call down to the non-generic versions of the methods with the most parameters.
UnityContainerExtension |
Base class for all UnityContainer extension objects.
UnityDefaultBehaviorExtension |
This extension supplies the default behavior of the UnityContainer API by handling the context events and setting policies.
UnityDefaultStrategiesExtension |
This extension installs the default strategies and policies into the container to implement the standard behavior of the Unity container.
Interface | Description | |
IUnityContainer |
Interface defining the behavior of the Unity dependency injection container.
IUnityContainerExtensionConfigurator |
Base interface for all extension configuration interfaces.