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Install the ESB JMS/WMQ Components from the Solution Project

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This section describes the process for installing the Microsoft ESB JMS/WMQ Components using the solution project provided with the Microsoft ESB Guidance source code.

To install the ESB JMS/WMQ components from the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.JMS.sln solution

  1. Load the solution Microsoft.Practices.ESB.JMS.sln from the \Source\JMS folder where you installed the distribution files into Visual Studio 2005.

  2. Open the Property Pages dialog box for each of the following projects, select the Deployment entry in the ConfigurationSettings section of the tree in the right-side pane, and then click AllConfigurations in the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box. Ensure that the Server and ConfigurationDatabase settings point to the appropriate SQL Server and BizTalkMgmtDb database:

    • ESB.JMS.Schemas.Property** **in the Core\Schemas folder
  3. Save and close the solution.


    The two JMS-related projects require the IBM Websphere MQSeries service to be installed on the computer. If it is not installed, you will see an error when rebuilding these projects within the Microsoft ESB Guidance JMS solution. In addition, the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.JMS.PipelineComponents project requires that C++ is installed to successfully build the solution.

  4. In Windows Explorer, open the \Source\JMS\Install\Scripts folder, and then double-click the script file named 1.CreateBizTalkApplication.cmd to create the Microsoft.Practices.ESB application within BizTalk and deploy the JMS assemblies. The script performs the following tasks:

    • Deploy the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.JMS.sln from the \Source\JMS subfolder where you installed the distribution files, which creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB application in BizTalk.
    • Copy the JMS pipeline component to the default BizTalk pipeline component directory (%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006\Pipeline Components).
    • Import the BizTalk binding file Microsoft.Practices.ESB.JMS_Bindings.xml.
  5. To confirm successful installation of the JMS solution, or if you are encountering issues when you run applications, you can use the list provided in Table 1 to check for the presence of the required assemblies and other artifacts.

Now continue to the next task: Install the ESB Management Portal and Associated Services.