Install the ESB Management Portal

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This section describes the process for installing the Microsoft ESB Guidance Management Portal from the solution project included with the Microsoft ESB Guidance.

To install the ESB Management Portal

  1. Install either the Microsoft ESB Guidance core solution or the ESB Exception Management Framework as described in previous topics, and then confirm correct installation and configuration before you install the portal.

  2. Install Microsoft Enterprise Library 3.1 if you have not previously done so. You can obtain Enterprise Library 3.1 from CodePlex.

  3. Ensure that the DundasWebChart.dll assembly is present in the bin directory of the portal. The location is \Source\Samples\Management Portal\ESB.Portal\bin.

  4. Open SQL Server Management Studio (or an equivalent SQL Server management tool) and connect to the SQL Server that will host the portal administration database. Open the SQL script ESB.Administration Database.sql** from the \Source\Samples\Management Portal\SQL\ folder **into a new Query window and execute it to create the EsbAdmin database.

  5. Create a new IIS virtual directory for the portal using the following settings:

    • Alias: ESB.Portal
    • Directory: C:\Projects\Microsoft.Practices.ESB\Source\Samples\Management Portal\ESB.Portal
    • Allow the following: Read, Run Scripts (such as ASP)
    • Allow anonymous access: No
    • Application Pool: ESBNetworkAppPool


    The script PreProcessingCORE.vbs, executed during the installation of either the Microsoft ESB Guidance core solution or the ESB Exception Management Framework, creates the ESBNetworkAppPool application pool.

  6. Open the Visual Studio solution named ESB.Portal.sln from the C:\Projects\Microsoft.Practices.ESB\Samples\Management Portal\ESB.Portal folder and ensure that the <connectionStrings> section of the Web.config file contains the correct connection strings for the ESBAdmin and EsbExceptionDb databases.

  7. Build the ESB.Portal.sln solution using the commands on the Build menu.

  8. Check the portal for authentication, authorization, and general configuration settings as described in the following sections.

Now continue to the next task: Check Portal Configuration Settings.