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Install the ESB JMS/WMQ Components from the Windows Installer File

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This section describes the process for installing the Microsoft ESB Guidance JMS/WMQ Components using the Windows Installer provided with the Microsoft ESB Guidance.

To install the ESB JMS/WMQ Components from a pre-packaged .msi file

  1. Click Run on the Start menu to open a command prompt and execute the following command, replacing the <path> parameter with the full path to the .msi file you want to install (the default path and name in this release is C:\Program Files\Microsoft ESB Guidance 1.0 - November 2007\Microsoft.Practices.ESB.JMS.msi).

    BTSTask.exe ImportApp -Package:
        /Environment:DEV_JMS /ApplicationName:Microsoft.Practices.ESB
  2. Execute the following command to add the necessary assemblies to the global assembly cache and copy the pipeline components.

    msiexec.exe /q /i "<path>\Microsoft.Practices.ESB.JMS.msi"
  3. In Windows Explorer, open the folder where you installed the Microsoft ESB Guidance JMS components and execute the script file named InstallPostProcessing.cmd to deploy the ESB Guidance Event Log Source.

Now continue to the next task: Install the ESB Management Portal and Associated Services.