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Install the Exception Management Framework from the Solution Project

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This section describes the process for installing the Microsoft ESB Guidance Exception Management Framework using the solution project provided with the Microsoft ESB Guidance source code.

The Exception Management Framework has a dependency on several projects that are part of the Microsoft Guidance ESB core solution. These projects are included in the References folder of the ESB Exception Management solution:

  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.GlobalPropertyContext (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.GlobalPropertyContext folder)
  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Exception.Management (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.Exception.Management folder)
  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Adapter (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.Adapter** **folder)
  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.Itinerary** **folder)
  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Schemas (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.Itinerary.Schemas** **folder)
  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.PipelineComponents (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.PipelineComponents** **folder)
  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Resolver (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.Resolver** **folder)
  • Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Transform (located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.Transform** **folder)


The exception management send port named All.Exceptions uses the ESB Dispatcher pipeline component to translate outbound fault messages into a format suitable for insertion into the SQL Server Exception Management Database named EsbExceptionDb. Therefore, during setup you must build these projects, copy the pipeline assemblies into the BizTalk Pipeline Components folder, and configure the exception database, as shown in the first four steps of the following procedure.

To install the Exception Management Framework from the ESB.ExceptionHandling.sln solution

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (or an equivalent SQL Server management tool) and connect to the SQL Server that will host the exception database. Load the SQL script EsbExceptionDb_CREATE.sql** from the \Source\Exception Handling\SQL\ESB.ExceptionHandling.Database\Create Scripts folder **into a new Query window and execute it to create the EsbExceptionDb database. This will also create following two security roles within the database:

    • ESBPortal
    • ESBPortalAdmin
  2. Select the BizTalk Application Users group (the default is [domain]\BizTalk Application Users) in the Security\Logins section and open the properties dialog. Select User Mapping and map this login to the EsbExceptionDb database and to the ESBPortal database role. This grants the account execution rights for all the stored procedures within the database. Repeat this step with the [domain]\BizTalk Server Administrators group, mapping it to the ESBPortalAdmin role.

  3. Load the solution Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling.sln from the \Source\Exception Handling folder where you installed the distribution files into Visual Studio 2005.

  4. Open the Property Pages dialog box for each of the following projects, select the Deployment entry in the Configuration Settings section of the tree in the right-side pane, and then click All Configurations in the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box. Ensure that the Server and Configuration Database settings point to the appropriate SQL Server and BizTalkMgmtDb database:

    • ESB.ExceptionHandling.Maps in the Maps folder
    • ESB.ExceptionHandling.Pipelines in the Pipelines folder
    • ESB.ExceptionHandling.Schemas.Faults in the Schemas folder
    • ESB.ExceptionHandling.Schemas.Reporting in the Schemas folder
    • ESB.Itinerary.Schemas in the References folder
  5. Save and close the solution.

  6. Open the \Source\Exception Handling\Install\Scripts folder in Windows Explorer and open the script file named PreProcessingCORE.vbs. Edit the variables declared at the start of this file, such as the user name and password, as required before you execute the script. The topic Settings in the Exception Management PreProcessingCORE Script shows these variables and their default values. Then double-click the script to execute it. The script performs the following tasks:

    • Create a new user account for the BizTalk Isolated Host Users group.

    • Add the user account to the following local and domain groups:

      Local and domain groups

      [local machine]\IIS_WPG

      [local machine]\IIS_WPG

      [domain]\BizTalk Isolated Host Users

    • Grant permission for the new user account and the BizTalk Application Users group to the following folders:


      Windows Temp folder

      ESB Guidance installation folder

    • Create two new IIS application pools with the following names:

      New IIS Application Pools




      The ESBAppPool and ESBWcfAppPool application pools use the new account as their identity.

    • Create IIS virtual directories for the following Web service folders, and then configure them all to run under the new application pool:

      IIS Virtual Directories

      \Services\ESB.ExceptionHandlingServices (ESBAppPool)

      \Services\ESB.ExceptionHandlingServices.WCF (ESBWcfAppPool)


      If you are installing the Microsoft ESB Guidance into a BizTalk Server group, exceptions may occur when the script attempts to set permissions. If this happens, you must set these permissions and manually assign the user account to the BizTalk Isolated Host Users domain group after the script completes.
      In addition, if you are installing the Microsoft ESB Guidance into a BizTalk Server group installed on the local machine, and the local machine is part of a domain, exceptions may occur when the script attempts to set permissions. In this case, edit the PreProcessingCORE.vbs script as follows. Change the line strUserDomain=objNetwork.UserDomain to strUserDomain=objNetwork.ComputerName then run the script again.

  7. In Windows Explorer, open the \Source\Exception Handling\Install\Scripts folder, and then double-click the script file named 1.CreateBizTalkApplication.cmd to create the Microsoft.Practices.ESB application within BizTalk and deploy the ESB Exception Management assemblies. The script performs the following tasks:

    • Rebuild the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling.sln (in the \Source\Exception Handling subfolder where you installed the distribution files).
    • Execute the GACUTIL utility to add the ESB Exception Management assemblies to the global assembly cache.
    • Copy all the ESB Exception Management Pipeline components to the default BizTalk pipeline component directory (%Program Files%\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006\Pipeline Components).
    • Deploy the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling.sln from the \Source\Exception Handling subfolder where you installed the distribution files, which creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB application in BizTalk.
    • Import the BizTalk binding file Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling_Bindings.xml.
    • Deploy the BAM observation models.
  8. Change the SQL Target setting for the SQL adapter associated with the send port named All.Exceptions, which supports the Exception Management Framework, to point to the EsbExceptionDb database you created in step 1.

  9. To confirm successful installation of the Exception Management Framework, or if you are encountering issues when you run applications, you can use the list provided in the topic Assemblies and Artifacts Installed for ESB Exception Management to check for the presence of the required assemblies and other artifacts.

Now continue to the next task: Install the ESB JMS/WMQ Components.