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Create or Modify an Exception Management Framework Windows Installer Package

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This section describes the process for creating or modifying a Windows Installer package for the Microsoft ESB Guidance Exception Management Framework.

To create or modify Windows Installer package for the ESB Exception Management Framework

  1. Before you create or modify Windows Installer package for the ESB Exception Management Framework, ensure that the BizTalk application hosting the ESB Exception Management Framework (the application named Microsoft.Practices.ESB) is successfully installed and deployed by following all the steps in the topic Install the Exception Management Framework from the Solution Project.

  2. In Windows Explorer, open the \Source\Exception Handling\Install\Scripts folder, and then double-click the script 2.AddResoucesGenerateBindingandArtifactList.cmd. This script adds the following artifacts to the existing Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application:

    • Dependent assemblies
    • Pipeline components
    • Binding file with the TargetEnvironment set to DEV_EXC


    This script produces two artifact files named Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling_Artifacts.xml and Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ExceptionHandling_Artifacts_NOBINDINGS.xml in the \Source\Exception Handling\Install root folder. These files define the contents of the Windows Installer packages created in the following step. By default, the two artifact files are identical and list the artifacts to install in the BizTalk application resources folder. Before continuing to the next step, you MUST edit these to determine which BizTalk application resources will be included in the .msi files. You can remove assemblies, bindings, or Web directories, and thereby control exactly what the .msi file will contain.
    If the installation process uses a binding file, this script will export a NEW binding file that will overwrite the original one. Therefore, you should back up the original binding file before you run this script. Also be prepared to edit the newly exported binding file so that it can be imported as part of the Windows Installer package when you run the UpdateBindingExportMSI script.

  3. In Windows Explorer, open the \Source\Exception Handling\Install\Scripts folder, and then double-click the script file named 3.UpdateBindingExportMSI.cmd** **to create the Windows Installer files. This process uses the two artifact files created in the previous step to create two Windows Installer packages, one for each file.