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Unpack the Microsoft ESB Guidance Source Files

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The Microsoft ESB Guidance contains the source code for all the components, sources, and other artifacts required to implement the ESB on BizTalk Server 2006 R2. The distribution package for the source code is a .zip file that you must unzip onto your sever. The Microsoft ESB Guidance 1.0 - November 2007 Windows Installer (ESBGuidance.msi) installs the distribution zip file as well as the signed binaries and packaged Windows Installer (*.msi) files for the major sub systems of the Microsoft ESB Guidance. By default, the installer creates the root installation folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft ESB Guidance 1.0 - November 2007.

For a list of the main files and folders installed by the ESBGuidance.msi, see Files and Folders Installed by the ESBGuidance.msi.

To install the Microsoft ESB Guidance Source files

  1. Run the Windows Installer file named ESBGuidance.msi.
  2. Leave all settings at their default values and continue to click Next to complete the installation.
  3. Navigate to the default installation directory.
  4. Ensure that your zip file software is configured to create subfolders and uncompress files into these folders. If you are using Windows compressed folders, it will automatically restore subfolders and their contents.
  5. Copy the file into a folder with a short name, such as C:\Temp, on your hard drive to avoid errors due to the long path and file names contained in the .zip file.
  6. Create a folder named Projects in the root of your C: drive, and create a subfolder named Microsoft.Practices.ESB within this folder.
  7. Uncompress the distribution .zip file into the C:\Projects\ Microsoft.Practices.ESB folder. This will create folders named Keys and Source containing the sample key, the source files, and the samples.


If you are planning to build Microsoft ESB Guidance samples so that they have dependencies on Microsoft ESB guidance source code (rather than the Microsoft ESB Guidance release binaries installed by running ESBGuidance.msi), you must either compile the Microsoft ESB core solution and copy all assemblies into \bin directory created by Microsoft ESB guidance installer or manually update sample references, so that the samples will compile and deploy properly. This is a requirement for resolving the samples dependencies on the assemblies included in the released version, or on assemblies that you compile.

Now continue to the next task: Install the Microsoft ESB Guidance.