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Understanding the Meta-Guidance Package

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The meta-Guidance Package is installed along with the Visual Studio Guidance Toolkit, and it can be used to streamline the process of authoring Guidance Packages. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the meta-Guidance Package and Guidance Packages that you create.

Figure 1: The relationship between the meta-Guidance Package and the Guidance Packages you create


When installed, the meta-Guidance Package is installed as part of the Guidance Automation Toolkit and as part of the installation, it creates the Guidance Package Development template. When you unfold this solution template from the meta-Guidance Package, you are presented with a solution that contains an example Guidance Package that you can customize for your own requirements.

The meta-Guidance Package can be used as-is, or in some cases, you may choose to modify it for your own purposes.

You can create Guidance Packages without using the Guidance Package Development Solution template. However, in most cases this template will prove the most efficient way of authoring Guidance Packages.

See also

Concepts of the Guidance Automation Toolkit | The Recipe Framework | Understanding Recipes | Understanding Wizards | Understanding Visual Studio Templates | Understanding Template and Recipe Associations | Understanding Launch Points | Understanding Guidance Packages | Understanding Recipe References