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Microsoft.SpeechServer.Recognition Namespace

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Contains classes and interfaces that perform speech and DTMF (telephone keypad) recognition, and define the structure of the recognition results.


Class Description
DigitDetectedEventArgs Returns data from the DigitDetected event.
Grammar Represents the Grammar object used by the DtmfRecognizer or the SpeechRecognizer.
InvalidCultureException Thrown when a Recognizer attempts to reference a Grammar for an unsupported or uninstalled language.
LoadGrammarCompletedEventArgs Returns data from the LoadGrammarCompleted and LoadGrammarCompleted events.
RecognitionResult Represents the data returned from a speech or dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) recognition.
RecognizeCompletedEventArgs Returns data from the RecognizeCompleted and RecognizeCompleted events.
RecognizedEventArgs Returns data, including recognition results, from the Recognized event.
RecognizedPhrase Represents a recognized phrase within recognition results.
RecognizedWordUnit Represents a word within recognition results.
RecognizeStartedEventArgs Returns data from the RecognizeStarted and RecognizeStarted events.
SemanticValue Contains information about the results of speech or DTMF recognition.
SrgsRecognitionEngineException An exception thrown when a suitable recognition engine cannot be found or loaded.


Interface Description
IDtmfRecognizer Creates a DtmfRecognizer object for processing telephone keypad (DTMF) input.
ISpeechRecognizer Creates a SpeechRecognizer object for processing speech input.


Enumeration Description
GrammarState Enumerates the load states of Grammar objects.
RecognizeCompletionType Defines the values returned in the CompletionType property.