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ESEbcli2 DLL Functions Interface

ESEbcli2 DLL Functions Interface

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. This interface is used for creating applications that back up and restore Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 databases.





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The following table lists the methods of the ESEbcli2 DLL Functions interface.

Name Description
ESEBackupFree The ESEBackupFree Function function frees memory allocated by HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles, HrESEBackupGetTruncateLogFiles, HrESERestoreLoadEnvironment, HrESERestoreAddDatabase, and HrESERestoreGetEnvironment.
ESEBackupFreeInstanceInfo The ESEBackupFreeInstanceInfo Function function frees the structures and memory allocated by HrESEBackupPrepare Function.
ESEBackupOpenFile The ESEBackupOpenFile function opens the specified database file.
ESEBackupRestoreFreeNodes The ESEBackupRestoreFreeNodes Function function frees the memory used by the structure returned by the HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes Function.
ESEBackupRestoreFreeRegisteredInfo The ESEBackupRestoreFreeRegisteredInfo Function function frees the memory used by the structure returned by the HrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered Function.
ESERestoreFree The ESERestoreFree Function function frees memory buffers allocated by other restore functions.
ESERestoreFreeEnvironment The ESERestoreFreeEnvironment Function function frees memory allocated by the HrESERestoreLoadEnvironment Function.
HrESEBackupCloseFile The HrESEBackupCloseFile Function function closes the section handle for the file that is being backed up. The section handle was provided by the HrESEBackupOpenFile Function.
HrESEBackupEnd The HrESEBackupEnd Function function frees all of the resources held for the backup context that is specified.
HrESEBackupGetDependencyInfo The HrESEBackupGetDependencyInfo Function function retrieves the names of applications and services that the specified service relies upon. Data for those applications should be backed up with the Exchange Storage Engine (ESE) application data to ensure consistency of the application and its dependencies during restore.
HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles The HrESEBackupGetLogAndPatchFiles Function function returns the list of log and other files related to the storage group that is being backed up.
HrESEBackupGetTruncateLogFiles The HrESEBackupGetTruncateLogFiles Function function returns the list of log files related to the storage group that is being backed up. The log files indicated will be deleted after they are backed up.
HrESEBackupInstanceEnd The HrESEBackupInstanceEnd Function function finishes the backup process for a storage group.
HrESEBackupPrepare The HrESEBackupPrepare Function function opens the connection to Exchange Server 2003. The Exchange server returns information about the storage groups that can be backed up.
HrESEBackupReadFile The HrESEBackupReadFile Function function reads data in the application buffer.
HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes The HrESEBackupRestoreGetNodes Function function returns a tree of nodes that lists the Exchange Server 2003 computers in the current domain that can be backed up or restored.
HrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered The HrESEBackupRestoreGetRegistered Function function returns an array of server application names that are registered for backup and restore on the specified computer.
HrESEBackupSetup The HrESEBackupSetup Function function informs the ESE that the specified database is to be backed up.
HrESEBackupTruncateLogs The HrESEBackupTruncateLogs Function function examines the storage group log files, and deletes those that are no longer needed to fully restore the storage group.
HrESERestoreAddDatabase The HrESERestoreAddDatabase Function function informs the ESE that the specified database is to be restored. This function, or HrESERestoreAddDatabaseNS, must be called for each database in the storage group that is being restored.
HrESERestoreAddDatabaseNS The HrESERestoreAddDatabaseNS Function function informs the ESE that the specified database is to be restored. This function, or HrESERestoreAddDatabase, must be called for each database in the storage group that is being restored.
HrESERestoreClose The HrESERestoreClose Function function informs the ESE that the files have been completely restored from the backup storage media. This does not instruct the ESE to begin recovery.
HrESERestoreCloseFile The HrESERestoreCloseFile Function function closes an open database file.
HrESERestoreComplete The HrESERestoreComplete Function function informs the ESE application that the database files have been restored, and that the application can now recover the files. Exchange Server 2003 will then attempt to recover the databases and bring them to a consistent state.
HrESERestoreGetEnvironment The HrESERestoreGetEnvironment Function function returns a pointer to the structure that holds information about the restore environment.
HrESERestoreLoadEnvironment The HrESERestoreLoadEnvironment Function function loads the stored restore environment file into a structure in memory. This function is not necessary for the restore or recovery operations. Instead, this function enables applications to easily determine the status and settings for an ongoing restore operation.
HrESERestoreOpen The HrESERestoreOpen Function function opens the connection to Exchange Server 2003. The ESE returns a context handle, and the restore log path if none is specified.
HrESERestoreOpenFile The HrESERestoreOpenFile Function function instructs the ESE to open the specified database or log file for restore. This function must be called for each file being restored. Note that for most file types, this function will respond indicating that the file is to be replaced using normal file-system operations. However, it is important that you tell ESE which database log files are being restored.
HrESERestoreReopen The HrESERestoreReopen Function function opens the connection to Exchange Server 2003, and loads the restore environment from the folder specified in wszRestoreLogPath. The ESE returns a context handle.
HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment The HrESERestoreSaveEnvironment Function function saves to disk the in-memory state of the restore operation.
HrESERestoreWriteFile The HrESERestoreWriteFile Function function writes data to the specified database file.
HrESESnapshotStart The HrESESnapshotStart Function function should not be used to create backup and restore applications.
HrESESnapshotStop The HrESESnapshotStop Function function should not be used to create backup and restore applications.


The esebcli2.dll is a non-dual dynamic-link library (DLL). For this reason, C/C++ must be used to access the backup and restore functions. Use the Microsoft® Windows® LoadLibrary function to load the DLL.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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