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HrESEBackupGetDependencyInfo Function

HrESEBackupGetDependencyInfo Function

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The HrESEBackupGetDependencyInfo function retrieves the names of applications and services that the specified service relies upon. Data for those applications should be backed up with the Exchange Storage Engine (ESE) application data to ensure consistency of the application and its dependencies during restore.

Applies To

ESEbcli2 DLL Functions Interface


[C++]HRESULT HrESEBackupGetDependencyInfo (     HCCX hccxBackupContext,     wchar** pwszInfo,     unsigned longpcwInfo,     wchar** pwszAnnotation );


  • hccxBackupContext
    Input parameter. The backup context handle returned by the HrESEBackupPrepare Function in the phccxBackupContext parameter.
  • pwszInfo
    Output parameter. Reserved.
  • pcwInfo
    Output parameter. Reserved. Indicates the size, in bytes, of pwszInfo.
  • pwszAnnotation
    A buffer holding a list of services and applications upon which the service specified in hccsBackupContext depends.

Return Value

The following return codes can be returned. To retrieve the error string for an ESE error, use the standard FormatMessage function. For the general errors hrErrorFromESECall and hrErrorFromCallbackCall, more information about the error is available using the standard GetLastError function.

S_OK Success.
ESE-specific error codes ESE-specific error codes, as defined in esebkmsg.h.
Other Other Microsoft Win32 or remote procedure call (RPC) errors.


Because Microsoft Exchange is the only ESE application that works with the eseb2cli interface, using this function is unnecessary. Exchange does not specify any dependencies.

The buffer returned in pwszAnnotation contains individual annotation names separated by a single NULL character. The last file name in the buffer is followed by two consecutive NULL characters.

Important  The pwszAnnotations buffer returned by this function is not a NULL-terminated string. Do not attempt to use string-manipulation functions that rely on having a single NULL character that terminates the string, because those functions cannot copy the entire string. This can potentially result in failed backups and corrupted databases.

The memory allocated for pwszAnnotations is freed when the application calls the ESEBackupFree Function.

Use the ESEBackupFree Function to free the memory allocated by this function.

Applications that use this function must be run under a user account that has Microsoft Windows server operating systems Backup and Restore privileges.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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