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ChartObject Object [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

Represents an embedded chart on a worksheet. The ChartObject object acts as a container for a Chart object. Properties and methods for the ChartObject object control the appearance and size of the embedded chart on the worksheet. The ChartObject object is a member of the ChartObjects collection. The ChartObjects collection contains all the embedded charts on a single sheet.

Using the ChartObject Object

Use ChartObjects(index), where index is the embedded chart index number or name, to return a single ChartObject object. The following example sets the pattern for the chart area in embedded chart one on the worksheet named "Sheet1."

Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(1).Chart. _
    ChartArea.Interior.Pattern = xlLightDown

The embedded chart name is shown in the Name box when the embedded chart is selected. Use the Name property to set or return the name of the ChartObject object. The following example puts rounded corners on the embedded chart named "Chart 1" on the worksheet named "Sheet1."

Worksheets("sheet1").ChartObjects("chart 1").RoundedCorners = True

Properties | Application Property | Border Property | BottomRightCell Property | Chart Property | Creator Property | Enabled Property | Height Property | Index Property | Interior Property | Left Property | Locked Property | Name Property | Parent Property | Placement Property | PrintObject Property | ProtectChartObject Property | RoundedCorners Property | Shadow Property | ShapeRange Property | Top Property | TopLeftCell Property | Visible Property | Width Property | ZOrder Property

Methods | Activate Method | BringToFront Method | Copy Method | CopyPicture Method | Cut Method | Delete Method | Duplicate Method | Select Method | SendToBack Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Border Object | Chart Object | Interior Object | Range Object | ShapeRange Object