Windows Collection [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Includes a Window object for a window that is open in the application.

Version added



To retrieve a Windows collection, use the Windows property of an Application object or a Window object.

The default property of a Windows collection is Item.

Properties | Count property | EventList property | Item property | ItemEx property | ItemFromID property | ObjectType property | PersistsEvents property

Methods | Add method | Arrange method

Events | BeforeWindowClosed event | BeforeWindowPageTurn event | BeforeWindowSelDelete event | KeyDown event | KeyPress event | KeyUp event | MouseDown event | MouseMove event | MouseUp event | OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon event | QueryCancelWindowClose event | SelectionChanged event | ViewChanged event | WindowActivated event | WindowChanged event | WindowCloseCanceled event | WindowOpened event | WindowTurnedToPage event

Parent Objects | Application Object | Global Object | InvisibleApp Object | Window Object

Child Objects | EventList Object | Window Object

See Also | Application object | Window object | Windows property