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Parent Property

Returns the parent object for the specified object.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example adds an oval containing text to slide one in the active presentation and rotates the oval and the text 45 degrees. The parent object for the text frame is the Shape object that contains the text.

Set myShapes = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes
With myShapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeOval, Left:=50, _
        Top:=50, Width:=300, Height:=150).TextFrame
    .TextRange.Text = "Test text"
    .Parent.Rotation = 45
End With

Applies to | ActionSetting Object | ActionSettings Collection Object | AddIn Object | AddIns Collection Object | Adjustments Object | AnimationBehavior Object | AnimationBehaviors Collection | AnimationPoint Object | AnimationPoints Collection | AnimationSettings Object | Borders Collection Object | BulletFormat Object | CalloutFormat Object | Cell Object | CellRange Collection Object | ColorEffect Object | ColorFormat Object | ColorScheme Object | ColorSchemes Collection Object | Column Object | Columns Collection Object | CommandEffect Object | Comment Object | Comments Collection | ConnectorFormat Object | Design Object | Designs Collection | Diagram Object | DiagramNode Object | DiagramNodeChildren Collection | DiagramNodes Collection | DocumentWindow Object | DocumentWindows Collection Object | Effect Object | EffectInformation Object | EffectParameters Object | ExtraColors Object | FillFormat Object | FilterEffect Object | Font Object | Fonts Collection Object | FreeformBuilder Object | GroupShapes Collection Object | HeaderFooter Object | HeadersFooters Object | Hyperlink Object | Hyperlinks Collection Object | LineFormat Object | LinkFormat Object | Master Object | MotionEffect Object | NamedSlideShow Object | NamedSlideShows Collection Object | ObjectVerbs Object | OLEFormat Object | PageSetup Object | Pane Object | Panes Collection Object | ParagraphFormat Object | PictureFormat Object | PlaceholderFormat Object | Placeholders Collection Object | PlaySettings Object | Presentation Object | Presentations Collection Object | PrintOptions Object | PrintRange Object | PrintRanges Collection Object | PropertyEffect Object | PublishObject Object | PublishObjects Collection Object | RGBColor Object | RotationEffect Object | Row Object | Rows Collection Object | Ruler Object | RulerLevel Object | RulerLevels Collection Object | ScaleEffect Object | Selection Object | Sequence Collection | Sequences Collection | SetEffect Object | ShadowFormat Object | Shape Object | ShapeNode Object | ShapeNodes Collection Object | ShapeRange Collection Object | Shapes Collection Object | Slide Object | SlideRange Collection Object | Slides Collection Object | SlideShowSettings Object | SlideShowTransition Object | SlideShowView Object | SlideShowWindow Object | SlideShowWindows Collection Object | SoundEffect Object | Table Object | TabStop Object | TabStops Collection Object | Tags Object | TextEffectFormat Object | TextFrame Object | TextRange Object | TextStyle Object | TextStyleLevel Object | TextStyleLevels Collection Object | TextStyles Collection Object | ThreeDFormat Object | TimeLine Object | Timing Object | View Object