AnimationSettings Object

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents the special effects applied to the animation for the specified shape during a slide show.

Using the AnimationSettings Object

Use the AnimationSettings property of the Shape object to return the AnimationSettings object. The following example adds a slide that contains both a title and a three-item list to the active presentation, and then it sets the list to be animated by first-level paragraphs, to fly in from the left when animated, to dim to the specified color after being animated, and to animate its items in reverse order.

Set sObjs = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(2, ppLayoutText).Shapes
sObjs.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Top Three Reasons"
With sObjs.Placeholders(2)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = _
        "Reason 1" & VBNewLine & "Reason 2" & VBNewLine & "Reason 3"
    With .AnimationSettings
        .TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateByFirstLevel
        .EntryEffect = ppEffectFlyFromLeft
        .AfterEffect = ppAfterEffectDim
        .DimColor.RGB = RGB(100, 120, 100)
        .AnimateTextInReverse = True
    End With
End With

Properties | AdvanceMode Property | AdvanceTime Property | AfterEffect Property | Animate Property | AnimateBackground Property | AnimateTextInReverse Property | AnimationOrder Property | Application Property | ChartUnitEffect Property | DimColor Property | EntryEffect Property | Parent Property | PlaySettings Property | SoundEffect Property | TextLevelEffect Property | TextUnitEffect Property

Parent Objects | Shape Object | ShapeRange Object

Child Objects | ColorFormat Object | PlaySettings Object | SoundEffect Object

See Also | ActionSettings Collection Object | PlaySettings Object