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MouseOver Event

Occurs whenever the user moves the mouse pointer over a cell on the specified spreadsheet.

Private SubObject**_MouseOut**(ByValButtonAsLong, ByValShiftAsLong, ByValTargetAsRange)

*Object    * The name of the Spreadsheet object that you are trapping this event for.

*Button   * The mouse button that was released. Returns 1 if the primary mouse button was released, 2 if the secondary mouse button was released, or 4 if the middle mouse button was released.

*Shift   * The state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys. Returns 1 if the SHIFT key was pressed, 2 if the CTRL key was pressed, or 4 if the ALT key was pressed. Returns 0 if neither the SHIFT, CTRL, nor ALT keys were pressed.

Target A Range object that represents the cell or cells that the mouse pointer was moved over.


For information about using events with VBScript, see Declaring and Using Event Procedures in VBScript .

Applies to | Spreadsheet Object