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Spreadsheet Object

Multiple objects

Represents the container for the spreadsheet.

Using the Spreadsheet Object

You can use the CreateObject method or the New keyword to create a Spreadsheet object.

The object ID for a spreadsheet control on an HTML page or a Visual Basic form returns a Spreadsheet object.

The programmatic identifier for the Spreadsheet object is CLSID:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046. The following example creates a spreadsheet named "Spreadsheet1" on an HTML page.

<object id=Spreadsheet1 classid=CLSID:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 style="width:49%;height:350"></object>

Properties | ActiveCell Property | ActiveSheet Property | ActiveWindow Property | ActiveWorkbook Property | AllowPropertyToolbox Property | Application Property | AutoFit Property | Build Property | BuildNumber Property | Calculation Property | CalculationVersion Property | CanUndo Property | Caption Property | Cells Property | Columns Property | Commands Property | Constants Property | CSVData Property | CSVURL Property | DataMember Property | DataSource Property | DataType Property | DefaultQueryOnLoad Property | DesignMode Property | Dirty Property | DisplayDesignTimeUI Property | DisplayOfficeLogo Property | DisplayPropertyToolbox Property | DisplayTitleBar Property | DisplayToolbar Property | EnableEvents Property | EnableUndo Property | HTMLData Property | HTMLURL Property | International Property | LanguageSettings Property | MajorVersion Property | MaxHeight Property | MaxWidth Property | MinorVersion Property | MoveAfterReturn Property | MoveAfterReturnDirection Property | Name Property | Names Property | Range Property | RevisionNumber Property | RightToLeft Property | Rows Property | ScreenUpdating Property | Selection Property | Sheets Property | TitleBar Property | Toolbar Property | Value Property | Version Property | ViewOnlyMode Property | Windows Property | Workbooks Property | Worksheets Property | XMLData Property | XMLURL Property

Methods | AddIn Method | BeginUndo Method | Calculate Method | CalculateFull Method | EndUndo Method | Evaluate Method | Export Method | FireParametersOut Method | RectIntersect Method | RectUnion Method | Refresh Method | Repaint Method | ShowAbout Method | ShowContextMenu Method | ShowHelp Method | Undo Method | UpdatePropertyToolbox Method

Events | BeforeContextMenu Event | BeforeKeyDown Event | BeforeKeyPress Event | BeforeKeyUp Event | BindingAdded Event | BindingCompleted Event | BindingDeleted Event | BindingError Event | BindingUpdated Event | Click Event | CommandBeforeExecute Event | CommandChecked Event | CommandEnabled Event | CommandExecute Event | CommandTipText Event | DblClick Event | EndEdit Event | Initialize Event | KeyDown Event | KeyPress Event | KeyUp Event | LoadCompleted Event | MouseDown Event | MouseOut Event | MouseOver Event | MouseUp Event | MouseWheel Event | ParametersOutReady Event | RowReady Event | SelectionChange Event | SelectionChanging Event | SheetActivate Event | SheetCalculate Event | SheetChange Event | SheetDeactivate Event | SheetFollowHyperlink Event | StartEdit Event | ViewChange Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Names Object | OCCommands Object | OWCLanguageSettings Object | Range Object | Sheets Object | TitleBar Object | Window Object | Windows Object | Workbook Object | Workbooks Object | Worksheet Object | Worksheets Object