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Item Property

Item property as it applies to the Borders object.

Returns a Border object that represents the specified border.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a Border object.


XlBordersIndex can be one of these XlBordersIndex constants.

Item property as it applies to the ChCategoryLabels object.

Returns a ChCategoryLabel object that represents the specified category label.

expression**.Item(Level**, Index)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

Level   Optional Long. The level of category labels that you want to index.

Index   Required Variant. The name or index number of the category label that you want to return.

Item property as it applies to the PivotMemberProperties and PivotResultMemberProperties objects.

Returns a PivotMemberProperty object that represents the specified member property.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

varIndex   Required Variant. The name or index number of the member property that you want to return.

Item property as it applies to the Range object.

Returns a Range object that represents a specific cell within the specified range of cells.

expression**.Item(RowIndex**, ColumnIndex)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a Range object.

RowIndex   Required Variant. The row index of the cell that you want to return.

ColumnIndex   Optional Variant. The column index of the cell that you want to return.

Item property as it applies to the XmlDataBindings collection.

Returns an XmlDataBinding object from an XmlDataBindings collection.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an XmlDataBindings collection.

Index   Required Variant. The binding ID or the 1-based index number of the binding that you want to return. The binding ID is the value of the ID attribute of the <Binding> tag in the XML Spreadsheet file for the Spreadsheet component. The binding ID value is accessible as part of the XML fragment returned by the BindingData property of an XmlDataBinding object.

Item property as it applies to the XmlMaps object.

Returns an XmlMap object from an XmlMaps collection.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an XmlMaps collection.

Index   Required Variant. The map ID or the 1-based index number of the schema map that you want to return. The map ID is specified by the <MapID> tag contained within the <Binding> tag in the XML Spreadsheet file for the Spreadsheet component. The map ID value is accessible as part of the XML fragment returned by the BindingData property of an XmlDataBinding object.

Item property as it applies to the ListObjects collection.

Returns a ListObject object from an ListObjects collection.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a ListObjects collection.

Index   Required Variant. The name or the 1-based index number of the XML list that you want to return. The name is specified by the ID attribute of the <Entry> tag contained within the <Map> tag within the <MapInfo> tag in the XML Spreadsheet file for the Spreadsheet component. You can also access the name using the Name property of the ListObject object.

Item property as it applies to all other objects in the Applies To list.

Returns a single object from the specified collection. The Item property is the default property for most collections, so it is usually not necessary to explicitly use this property. For more information about returning a single member of a collection, see Returning an Object from a Collection.


*expression   * An expression that returns an object in the Applies To list.

Index   Required Long or Variant, depending on the object specified in *expression   * (for a list of allowed argument types by object, see the Object Browser). The name or index number of the object that will be returned.

Applies to | AllGroupingDefs Collection Object | AllPageFields Collection Object | Borders Collection Object | ChAxes Collection | ChCategoryLabels Collection Object | ChChartFields Object | ChCharts Collection | ChDataLabels Object | ChDataLabelsCollection Collection | ChErrorBarsCollection Object | ChLegendEntries Collection | ChPoints Collection | ChSegments Object | ChSelectionCollection Collection | ChSeriesCollection Collection Object | ChTrendlines Collection | Criteria Object | DataPages Collection Object | ElementExtensions Collection Object | Filters Collection Object | GroupingDefs Collection Object | GroupLevels Collection Object | Headings Object | ListObjects Collection | ListRows Collection | LookupRelationships Collection Object | LookupSchemaRelationships Collection Object | OCCommands Object | PageFields Collection Object | PageRelatedFields Collection Object | PageRowsources Collection Object | Panes Collection Object | ParameterValues Collection Object | PivotAggregates Collection Object | PivotAxisMembers Collection | PivotColumnMembers Collection | PivotFields Collection Object | PivotFieldSets Collection Object | PivotMemberProperties Collection | PivotMembers Collection Object | PivotPageMembers Collection | PivotResultGroupFields Collection | PivotResultMemberProperties Collection | PivotRowMembers Collection | PivotTotals Collection Object | Range Object | RecordsetDefs Collection Object | SchemaFields Collection Object | SchemaParameters Collection Object | SchemaProperties Object | SchemaRelatedFields Collection Object | SchemaRelationships Collection Object | SchemaRowsources Collection Object | Sheets Collection | SublistRelationships Collection Object | SublistSchemaRelationships Collection Object | Windows Collection Object | Workbooks Collection | Worksheets Collection Object | XmlDataBindings Collection | XmlMaps Collection

See Also | Item Property