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PercentComplete Property

Returns or sets the percent complete of a task. Read/write Variant.


The following example removes a resource from tasks in the active project that have two or more resources and are 85 percent complete.

Sub ReallocateResource()

    Dim Entry As String     ' The name of the resource to remove
    Dim T As Task           ' The task object used in For loop
    Dim RA As Assignment    ' The resource assignment object to the task

    Entry = InputBox$("Enter a resource name:")

    ' Remove the resource from 85 percent complete tasks with 2+ resources.
    For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
        If T.PercentComplete >= 85 And T.Resources.Count >= 2 Then
            For Each RA In T.Assignments
                If UCase(Entry) = UCase(RA.ResourceName) Then
                End If
        End If
    Next T
End Sub

Applies to | Task Object, Tasks Collection Object

See Also | LastPrintedDate Property | PercentWorkComplete Property | UpdateProject Method