Chart Object

Multiple objects

Represents the specified Microsoft Graph chart.

Using the Chart Object

Use the Chart property to return a Chart object. Most of the time, you'll create a reference to a Microsoft Graph chart and then use the reference in your code.

Properties | Application Property | Area3DGroup Property | AutoScaling Property | Bar3DGroup Property | BarShape Property | ChartArea Property | ChartTitle Property | ChartType Property | Colors Property | Column3DGroup Property | CommandBars Property | Corners Property | Creator Property | DataTable Property | DepthPercent Property | DisplayBlanksAs Property | Elevation Property | Floor Property | GapDepth Property | HasAxis Property | HasDataTable Property | HasLegend Property | HasTitle Property | Height Property | HeightPercent Property | Left Property | Legend Property | Line3DGroup Property | Name Property | Parent Property | Perspective Property | Pie3DGroup Property | PlotArea Property | PlotOnX Property | RightAngleAxes Property | Rotation Property | SurfaceGroup Property | Top Property | Walls Property | WallsAndGridlines2D Property | Width Property

Methods | Activate Method | ApplyCustomType Method | ApplyDataLabels Method | AreaGroups Method | Axes Method | BarGroups Method | ChartGroups Method | ColumnGroups Method | Deselect Method | DoughnutGroups Method | Export Method | LineGroups Method | PieGroups Method | RadarGroups Method | Refresh Method | SeriesCollection Method | SetEchoOn Method | XYGroups Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects | ChartArea Object | ChartGroup Object | ChartTitle Object | Corners Object | DataTable Object | Floor Object | Legend Object | PlotArea Object | Walls Object