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Lists Collection

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents the collection of all List objects in the current Web site. Lists allow information to be shared and exchanged between different users and different Web sites.

This object is supported only by Web pages or sites that are based on Microsoft SharePoint Services.

Using the Lists collection

Use the Lists property of the WebEx object to return the collection of all lists in the Web site. Use Lists.item(index), where index is either the name of the list or its numeric position within the collection, to return a single List object.

The following example displays the names of all lists in the active Web site. If the active Web site does not contain any lists, a message is displayed to the user.

Sub ListAllLists()
'Displays the names of all lists in the collection

    Dim lstWebList As List
    Dim strName As String

    'Check if any lists exist
    If Not ActiveWeb.Lists Is Nothing Then
        'Cycle through lists
        For Each lstWebList In ActiveWeb.Lists
            'add list names to string
            If strName = "" Then
                strName = lstWebList.Name & vbCr
                strName = strName & lstWebList.Name & vbCr
            End If
        'Display names of all lists
        MsgBox "The names of all lists in the current Web site are:" _
               & vbCr & strName
        'Other wise display message to user
        MsgBox "The current Web site contains no lists."
    End If

End Sub

Use the Lists.Add method to add a new list to the Lists collection. The following example adds a new list of type fpBasicList called NewShare to the active Web site.

Sub NewList()
'Adds a new list to the current Web site

    Dim objApp As FrontPage.Application
    Dim objLists As Lists

    Set objApp = FrontPage.Application
    Set objLists = objApp.ActiveWeb.Lists
    'Add new list
    objLists.Add Name:="NewShare", _
                 ListType:=fpListTypeBasicList, _
                 Description:="List of Shared files"

    'Display message to user
    MsgBox "A new list was added to the Lists collection."

End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Count Property | Item Property | Parent Property

Methods | Add Method

Parent Objects | Web | WebEx

Child Objects | ListFields | Web | WebFolder