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IHTMLTxtRange Object


Represents a range or selection of text and elements in an HTML document.

Using the IHTMLTxtRange object

Use the createTextRange method of the FPHTMLBody object to return an IHTMLTxtRange object. The following example creates a range that includes the entire body of the active document, and then selects the entire document.

Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange

Set objRange = ActiveDocument.body.createTextRange


Use the createRange method of the IHTMLSelectionObject object to return an IHTMLTxtRange object that represents the currently selected text and elements in the active document. The following example creates a range from the current selection in the active document.

Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange

Set objRange = ActiveDocument.selection.createRange

Properties | htmlText Property | text Property

Methods | collapse Method | compareEndPoints Method | duplicate Method | execCommand Method | execCommandShowHelp Method | expand Method | findText Method | getBookmark Method | inRange Method | isEqual Method | Move Method | moveEnd Method | moveStart Method | moveToBookmark Method | moveToElementText Method | moveToPoint Method | parentElement Method | pasteHTML Method | queryCommandEnabled Method | queryCommandIndeterm Method | queryCommandState Method | queryCommandSupported Method | queryCommandText Method | queryCommandValue Method | scrollIntoView Method | select Method | setEndPoint Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects