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Label Property

As it applies to the NavigationNode object.

Sets or returns a String that represents the label associated with the active navigation node. This label is used as a reference for individual navigation nodes in Navigation view. Read/write.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a NavigationNode object.


Use the text in the Label property for the text in a banner or button that links to another navigation node in the navigation structure.

As it applies to the Theme object.

Returns a String that represents the name of the specified theme.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a Theme object.


As it applies to the NavigationNode object.

The following example sets the text for the label of the first child node. The label shows the placement of the node in Navigation view.

Private Sub AddLabelToNavigationNode()
    Dim myNode As NavigationNode
    Set myNode = ActiveWeb.HomeNavigationNode.Children(0)

    myNewNode.Label = "Finance Page"
End Sub

As it applies to the Theme object.

The following example retrieves the name of a theme.

Note  To run this procedure, you must have an open Web site with a page that has previously had a theme applied to it.

Private Sub GetThemeName()
    Dim myTheme As String

    myTheme = ActiveWeb.Themes(0).Label
End Sub

Applies to | NavigationNode Object | Theme Object