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NavigationNode Object

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents a node in the navigational structure of a Web site. The NavigationNode object is a member of the NavigationNodes collection. Within the NavigationNodes collection, individual NavigationNode objects are indexed beginning with zero.

Important  From the NavigationNode object, you can access all other navigation nodes in a Web site. The RootNavigationNode object, created by default each time you create a new Web site, provides the basis for the navigation structure, which is accessed through the Children property. The first child node of the navigation structure is usually the home page of the Web site, which can be accessed through the HomeNavigationNode property. However, the first child node of the root navigation node can be any page, and may not contain a HomeNavigationNode object at all.

Using the NavigationNode object

You can use the NavigationNode property to return the NavigationNode object. The following example builds a list of navigation node labels for the WebFile object of the WebFiles collection.

Private Sub GetNavigationNode()
    Dim myWeb As WebEx
    Dim myWebFiles As WebFiles
    Dim myWebFile As WebFile
    Dim myNavNodeLabel As String
    Dim myLabel As String

    On Error Resume Next

    Set myWeb = ActiveWeb
    Set myFiles = myWeb.RootFolder.Files

    With myFiles
        For Each myFile In myFiles
            myLabel = myFile.NavigationNode.Label
            If Err <> 0 Then Exit Sub
            myNavNodeLabel = myNavNodeLabel & myLabel & vbCRLF
    End With
End Sub

The Children property returns the collection of child nodes within the navigation structure of a Web site. The following statement returns the number of child nodes within the navigation structure of the active Web site.

myNavChildrenCount _
    = ActiveWeb.RootFolder.Files(0).NavigationNode.Children.Count

Use Children(index), where index is the index number of a navigation node item, to return a single NavigationNode object. The following statement returns the file name of the first navigation node in the NavigationNodes collection.

myNavNodeName _
    = ActiveWeb.RootFolder.Files(0).NavigationNode.Children(0).File.Name

The File property returns the File object that is associated with the NavigationNode object. The following statement returns True if the file is open.

myNavFile = ActiveWeb.RootFolder.Files(3).NavigationNode.File.IsOpen

The Home property returns the Home object associated with the current navigation node and references information such as the Children, File, Label, Next, Prev, and other properties for the home page. The following statement returns the URL of the Home property for the NavigationNode object.

myHomePageUrl _
    = ActiveWeb.RootFolder.Files(5).NavigationNode.Home.Url

You can return the Label property to set or return text that can be used as buttons within the navigation structure, or used for text in a link bar. The following example returns the label for the home page.

myLabel = ActiveWeb.RootFolder.Files(0).NavigationNode.Label

Use the Next, Parent, Prev, or Url properties to return navigation nodes associated with the specified property. The following example returns the URL that is associated with the previous NavigationNode object.

myPrevNode = ActiveWeb.RootFolder.Files(1).NavigationNode.Prev.Url

Use the Web property to return the WebEx object associated with the current navigation node. The following example returns the WebEx object for the current navigation node.

myNavNodeWeb = _

Use the Move method to move a navigation node from one child node to another. The following example moves a navigation node to a child location on a sibling node in the same Web site.

Private Sub MoveNavNode()
Dim myNodes As NavigationNodes
Dim myNode As NavigationNode

Set myNodes = ActiveWeb.RootNavigationNode.Children
Set myNode = myNodes(4)

myNode.Move myNodes, myNodes(2)
End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Children Property | File Property | Home Property | InNavBars Property | IsLinkBar Property | Label Property | Next Property | Parent Property | Prev Property | SubTree Property | Url Property | Web Property

Methods | Move Method

Parent Objects | NavigationNode Object | NavigationNodes Collection | Web Object | WebEx Object | WebFile Object

Child Objects | NavigationNode Object | NavigationNodes Object | Web Object | WebFile Object