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BorderArt Object [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


Represents an available type of BorderArt. BorderArt is picture borders that can be applied to text boxes, picture frames, or rectangles. The BorderArt object is a member of the BorderArts collection. The BorderArts collection contains all BorderArt available for use in the specified publication.

Using the BorderArt Object

Use the Item property of a BorderArts collection to return a specific BorderArt object. The Index argument of the Item property can be the number or name of the BorderArt object.

This example returns the BorderArt "Apples" from the active publication.

Dim bdaTemp As BorderArt

Set bdaTemp = ActiveDocument.BorderArts.Item (Index:="Apples") 

Use the Name property to specify which type of BorderArt you want applied to a picture. The following example sets all the BorderArt in a document to the same type using the Name property.

Sub SetBorderArtByName()

Dim anyPage As Page
Dim anyShape As Shape
Dim strBorderArtName As String

strBorderArtName = Document.BorderArts(1).Name

    For Each anyPage in ActiveDocument.Pages
        For Each anyShape in anyPage.Shapes
            With anyShape.BorderArt
                If .Exists = True Then
                    .Name = strBorderArtName
                End If
            End With
        Next anyShape
    Next anyPage
End Sub

Note  Because Name is the default property of both the BorderArt object and the BorderArtFormat object, you do not need to state it explicitly when setting the BorderArt type. The statement Shape.BorderArtFormat = Document.BorderArts(1) is equivalent to Shape.BorderArtFormat.Name = Document.BorderArts(1).Name.


The BorderArts collection includes any custom BorderArt types created by the user for the specified publication.

Properties | Application Property | Name Property | Parent Property

Parent Objects

Child Objects