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ColorScheme Object [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

Represents a color scheme, which is a set of eight colors used for the different elements of a publication. Each color is represented by a ColorFormat object. The ColorScheme object is a member of the ColorSchemes collection. The ColorSchemes collection contains all the color schemes available to Microsoft Publisher.

Using the ColorScheme Object

Use the ColorScheme property of a Document object to return the color scheme for the current publication. The following example sets the fill value of three shapes on the first page to the return value (in RGB format) of three of the eight ColorScheme colors.

Sub ReturnColorsAndApplyToShapes()
    Dim lngAccent1 As Long
    Dim lngAccent2 As Long
    Dim lngAccent3 As Long

    With ActiveDocument
        With .ColorScheme
            lngAccent1 = .Colors(pbSchemeColorAccent1).RGB
            lngAccent2 = .Colors(pbSchemeColorAccent2).RGB
            lngAccent3 = .Colors(pbSchemeColorAccent3).RGB
        End With
        With .Pages(1)
            .Shapes(1).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lngAccent1
            .Shapes(2).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lngAccent2
            .Shapes(3).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lngAccent3
        End With
    End With

End Sub

Use the Name property to return a color scheme name. The following example lists in a text box all the color schemes available to Publisher.

Sub ListColorShemes()

    Dim clrScheme As ColorScheme
    Dim strSchemes As String

    For Each clrScheme In Application.ColorSchemes
        strSchemes = strSchemes & clrScheme.Name & vbLf
    ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddTextbox( _
        Orientation:=pbTextOrientationHorizontal, _
        Left:=72, Top:=72, Width:=400, Height:=500).TextFrame _
        .TextRange.Text = strSchemes

End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Colors Property | Name Property | Parent Property

Parent Objects | ColorSchemes Collection | Document Object

Child Objects | ColorFormat Object