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MailMergeMappedDataFields Collection [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


A collection of MailMergeMappedDataField objects that represents the mapped data fields available in Publisher.

Using the MailMergeMappedDataFields collection

Use the MappedDataFields property of the MailMergeDataSource object to return the MailMergeMappedDataFields collection. This example creates a table on a new page of the current publication and lists the mapped data fields available in Publisher and the fields in the data source to which they are mapped. This example assumes that the current publication is a mail merge publication and that the data source fields have corresponding mapped data fields.

Sub MappedFields()
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim intRows As Integer
    Dim docPub As Document
    Dim pagNew As Page
    Dim shpTable As Shape
    Dim tblTable As Table
    Dim rowTable As Row

    On Error Resume Next

    Set docPub = ThisDocument
    Set pagNew = ThisDocument.Pages.Add(Count:=1, After:=1)
    intRows = docPub.MailMerge.DataSource.MappedDataFields.Count + 1

    'Creates new table with a heading row
    Set shpTable = pagNew.Shapes.AddTable(NumRows:=intRows, _
        numColumns:=2, Left:=100, Top:=100, Width:=400, Height:=12)
    Set tblTable = shpTable.Table
    With tblTable.Rows(1)
        With .Cells(1).Text
            .Text = "Mapped Data Field"
            .Font.Bold = msoTrue
        End With
        With .Cells(2).Text
            .Text = "Data Source Field"
            .Font.Bold = msoTrue
        End With
    End With

    With docPub.MailMerge.DataSource
        For intCount = 2 To intRows - 1
            'Inserts mapped data field name and the
            'corresponding data source field name
            tblTable.Rows(intCount - 1).Cells(1).Text _
                .Text = .MappedDataFields(Index:=intCount).Name
            tblTable.Rows(intCount - 1).Cells(2).Text _
                .Text = .MappedDataFields(Index:=intCount).DataFieldName
    End With
End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Count Property | Parent Property

Methods | Item Method

Parent Objects | MailMergeDataSource

Child Objects