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ReaderSpread Object [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


Represents the reader spread (not the printer spread) for the page. A reader spread generally contains one or two pages. The ReaderSpread object properties provide information about whether pages are facing and how those pages are laid out. For example, in facing page view, pages two and three can be side-by-side or one on top of the other.

Using the ReaderSpread object

Use the ReaderSpread property to access the ReaderSpread object for a page. Use the PageCount property to determine if the reader spread includes one page or two facing pages. This example checks to see if the reader spread includes less than two pages. If it does, it changes the reader spread to include two pages.

Sub SetFacingPages()
    With ActiveDocument
        If .Pages.Count >= 2 Then
            If .Pages(2).ReaderSpread.PageCount < 2 Then _
                .ViewTwoPageSpread = True
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Height Property | Left Property | PageCount Property | Pages Property | Parent Property | Top Property | Width Property

Parent Objects | Page Object

Child Objects | Page Object