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RulerGuides Collection [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]


A collection of RulerGuide objects that represents a grid line used to align objects on a page.

Using the RulerGuides collection

Use the Add method of the RulerGuides collection to add ruler grid lines to the RulerGuides collection. This example creates horizontal and vertical ruler guides every half inch on the first page of the active publication.

Sub SetRulerGuides()
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim intPos As Integer
    With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).RulerGuides
        For intCount = 1 To 16
            intPos = intPos + 36
             .Add Position:=intPos, Type:=pbRulerGuideTypeVertical
        Next intCount
        intPos = 0
        For intCount = 1 To 21
            intPos = intPos + 36
             .Add Position:=intPos, Type:=pbRulerGuideTypeHorizontal
        Next intCount
    End With
End Sub

Use the Count property to return the total number of ruler guides, horizontal and vertical, in the collection. The following example uses the Count property to create a loop that deletes each of the ruler guides in the collection.

Sub RemoveAllGuides()
    Dim intCount As Integer
    With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).RulerGuides
        For intCount = 1 To .Count
        Next intCount
    End With
End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Count Property | Item Property | Parent Property

Methods | Add Method

Parent Objects | Page

Child Objects | RulerGuide Object