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FPHTMLLocation Object


The FPHTMLLocation object contains members that provide information about the current URL.

Using the IHTMLLocation object

Use the location property to return an FPHTMLLocation object. Use the href and pathname properties of the FPHTMLLocation object to return the path and filename of a specified document. Use the reload method to reload the page. The following example reloads the specified document.

Note  When you use the reload method on a saved document that has been changed but not resaved, a message appears asking if the user wants to revert to the previously saved version.

Sub ReloadDocument()
    Dim objLocation As FPHTMLLocation
    Set objLocation = ActiveDocument.Location
End Sub

Properties | hash Property | host Property | hostname Property | href Property | pathname Property | port Property | protocol Property | search Property

Methods | assign Method | reload Method | replace Method | toString Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects