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Footnotes Collection Object

Multiple objects

A collection of Footnote objects that represent all the footnotes in a selection, range, or document.

Using the Footnotes Collection

Use the Footnotes property to return the Footnotes collection. The following example changes all of the footnotes in the active document to endnotes.


Use the Add method to add a footnote to the Footnotes collection. The following example adds a footnote immediately after the selection.

Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Add Range:=Selection.Range , _
    Text:="The Willow Tree, (Lone Creek Press, 1996)."

Use Footnotes(index), where index is the index number, to return a single Footnote object. The index number represents the position of the footnote in the selection, range, or document. The following example applies red formatting to the first footnote in the selection.

If Selection.Footnotes.Count >= 1 Then
    Selection.Footnotes(1).Reference.Font.ColorIndex = wdRed
End If


Footnotes positioned at the end of a document or section are considered endnotes and are included in the Endnotes collection.

Properties | Application Property | ContinuationNotice Property | ContinuationSeparator Property | Count Property | Creator Property | Location Property | NumberingRule Property | NumberStyle Property | Parent Property | Separator Property | StartingNumber Property

Methods | Add Method | Convert Method | Item Method | ResetContinuationNotice Method | ResetContinuationSeparator Method | ResetSeparator Method | SwapWithEndnotes Method

Parent Objects | Document Object | Range Object | Selection Object

Child Objects | Range Object

See Also | Endnotes Collection Object