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Options Object

Multiple objects

Represents application and document options in Word. Many of the properties for the Options object correspond to items in the Options dialog box (Tools menu).

Using the Options Object

Use the Options property to return the Options object. The following example sets three application options for Word.

With Options
    .AllowDragAndDrop = True
    .ConfirmConversions = False
    .MeasurementUnit = wdPoints
End With

Properties | AddBiDirectionalMarksWhenSavingTextFile Property | AddControlCharacters Property | AddHebDoubleQuote Property | AllowAccentedUppercase Property | AllowClickAndTypeMouse Property | AllowCombinedAuxiliaryForms Property | AllowCompoundNounProcessing Property | AllowDragAndDrop Property | AllowFastSave Property | AllowPixelUnits Property | AllowReadingMode Property | AnimateScreenMovements Property | Application Property | ApplyFarEastFontsToAscii Property | ArabicMode Property | ArabicNumeral Property | AutoCreateNewDrawings Property | AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists Property | AutoFormatApplyFirstIndents Property | AutoFormatApplyHeadings Property | AutoFormatApplyLists Property | AutoFormatApplyOtherParas Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyClosings Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyDates Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeAutoLetterWizard Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeDeleteAutoSpaces Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertClosings Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertOvers Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeMatchParentheses Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFarEastDashes Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes Property | AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols Property | AutoFormatDeleteAutoSpaces Property | AutoFormatMatchParentheses Property | AutoFormatPlainTextWordMail Property | AutoFormatPreserveStyles Property | AutoFormatReplaceFarEastDashes Property | AutoFormatReplaceFractions Property | AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks Property | AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals Property | AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis Property | AutoFormatReplaceQuotes Property | AutoFormatReplaceSymbols Property | AutoKeyboardSwitching Property | AutoWordSelection Property | BackgroundOpen Property | BackgroundSave Property | BlueScreen Property | ButtonFieldClicks Property | CheckGrammarAsYouType Property | CheckGrammarWithSpelling Property | CheckHangulEndings Property | CheckSpellingAsYouType Property | CommentsColor Property | ConfirmConversions Property | ConvertHighAnsiToFarEast Property | CreateBackup Property | Creator Property | CtrlClickHyperlinkToOpen Property | CursorMovement Property | DefaultBorderColor Property | DefaultBorderColorIndex Property | DefaultBorderLineStyle Property | DefaultBorderLineWidth Property | DefaultEPostageApp Property | DefaultFilePath Property | DefaultHighlightColorIndex Property | DefaultOpenFormat Property | DefaultTextEncoding Property | DefaultTray Property | DefaultTrayID Property | DeletedTextColor Property | DeletedTextMark Property | DiacriticColorVal Property | DisableFeaturesbyDefault Property | DisableFeaturesIntroducedAfterbyDefault Property | DisplayGridLines Property | DisplayPasteOptions Property | DisplaySmartTagButtons Property | DocumentViewDirection Property | EnableHangulHanjaRecentOrdering Property | EnableMisusedWordsDictionary Property | EnableSound Property | EnvelopeFeederInstalled Property | FormatScanning Property | Getting Help on Macintosh Keywords | Getting Help on Macintosh Keywords | GridDistanceHorizontal Property | GridDistanceVertical Property | GridOriginHorizontal Property | GridOriginVertical Property | HangulHanjaFastConversion Property | HebrewMode Property | IgnoreInternetAndFileAddresses Property | IgnoreMixedDigits Property | IgnoreUppercase Property | IMEAutomaticControl Property | InlineConversion Property | InsertedTextColor Property | InsertedTextMark Property | INSKeyForPaste Property | InterpretHighAnsi Property | LabelSmartTags Property | LocalNetworkFile Property | MapPaperSize Property | MatchFuzzyAY Property | MatchFuzzyBV Property | MatchFuzzyByte Property | MatchFuzzyCase Property | MatchFuzzyDash Property | MatchFuzzyDZ Property | MatchFuzzyHF Property | MatchFuzzyHiragana Property | MatchFuzzyIterationMark Property | MatchFuzzyKanji Property | MatchFuzzyKiKu Property | MatchFuzzyOldKana Property | MatchFuzzyProlongedSoundMark Property | MatchFuzzyPunctuation Property | MatchFuzzySmallKana Property | MatchFuzzySpace Property | MatchFuzzyTC Property | MatchFuzzyZJ Property | MeasurementUnit Property | MonthNames Property | MultipleWordConversionsMode Property | OptimizeForWord97byDefault Property | Overtype Property | Pagination Property | Parent Property | PasteAdjustParagraphSpacing Property | PasteAdjustTableFormatting Property | PasteAdjustWordSpacing Property | PasteMergeFromPPT Property | PasteMergeFromXL Property | PasteMergeLists Property | PasteSmartCutPaste Property | PasteSmartStyleBehavior Property | PictureEditor Property | PictureWrapType Property | PrintBackground Property | PrintBackgrounds Property | PrintComments Property | PrintDraft Property | PrintDrawingObjects Property | PrintEvenPagesInAscendingOrder Property | PrintFieldCodes Property | PrintHiddenText Property | PrintOddPagesInAscendingOrder Property | PrintProperties Property | PrintReverse Property | PrintXMLTag Property | PromptUpdateStyle Property | ReplaceSelection Property | RevisedLinesColor Property | RevisedLinesMark Property | RevisedPropertiesColor Property | RevisedPropertiesMark Property | RevisionsBalloonPrintOrientation Property | SaveInterval Property | SaveNormalPrompt Property | SavePropertiesPrompt Property | SendMailAttach Property | SequenceCheck Property | ShowControlCharacters Property | ShowDiacritics Property | ShowFormatError Property | ShowMarkupOpenSave Property | ShowReadabilityStatistics Property | SmartCursoring Property | SmartCutPaste Property | SmartParaSelection Property | SnapToGrid Property | SnapToShapes Property | StoreRSIDOnSave Property | StrictFinalYaa Property | StrictInitialAlefHamza Property | SuggestFromMainDictionaryOnly Property | SuggestSpellingCorrections Property | TabIndentKey Property | TypeNReplace Property | UpdateFieldsAtPrint Property | UpdateLinksAtOpen Property | UpdateLinksAtPrint Property | UseCharacterUnit Property | UseDiffDiacColor Property | UseGermanSpellingReform Property | VisualSelection Property | WarnBeforeSavingPrintingSendingMarkup Property | WPDocNavKeys Property | WPHelp Property

Methods | SetWPHelpOptions Method

Parent Objects | Application Object | Global Object

Child Objects