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LanguageSettings Interface 

Returns information about the language settings in a Microsoft Office application.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Core
Assembly: office (in office.dll)


Public Class anguageSettingsImplementation
    Implements LanguageSettings
End Class
Dim anguageSettingsImplementation1 As New anguageSettingsImplementation()


Public Interface LanguageSettings
    Inherits _IMsoDispObj
public interface LanguageSettings : _IMsoDispObj
public interface class LanguageSettings : public _IMsoDispObj
public interface LanguageSettings implements _IMsoDispObj
public interface LanguageSettings implements _IMsoDispObj


Use the LanguageID property to return locale identifier (LCID) information to the specified application.

Use the LanguagePreferredForEditing property to determine which LCIDs are registered as preferred editing languages for the application.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows 2000

Target Platforms

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Core Namespace

Other Resources

LanguageSettings Members