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TextStyle.NextParagraphStyle Property

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns or sets a String that represents the paragraph style that follows the specified text style when a user presses ENTER. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a TextStyle object.

Return Value


This example creates a new text style and specifies that the text style following the new text style is the Normal style.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub CreateNewTextStyle()
    Dim styNew As TextStyle
    Dim fntStyle As Font
Set styNew = ActiveDocument.TextStyles.Add(StyleName:="Heading 1")
Set fntStyle = styNew.Font

With fntStyle
    .Name = "Tahoma"
    .Bold = msoTrue
    .Size = 15
End With

With styNew
    .Font = fntStyle
    .<strong>NextParagraphStyle</strong> = "Normal"
End With

End Sub

See Also