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TextStyle Object Members

Publisher Developer Reference

Represents a single built-in or user-defined style. The TextStyle object includes style attributes (font, font style, paragraph spacing, and so on) as properties of the TextStyle object. The TextStyle object is a member of the TextStyles collection. The TextStyles collection includes all the styles in the specified document.


  Name Description
Aa438842.methods(en-us,office.12).gif Delete Deletes the specified object.


  Name Description,office.12).gif Application Used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the current instance of Publisher. Used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object. When used with an OLE Automation object, it returns the object's application.,office.12).gif BaseStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the style upon which the formatting of another style is based. Read/write.,office.12).gif Description Returns a String that represents the description of the specified style. For example, a typical description for the Normal style might be "(Default) Times New Roman, (Asian) MS Mincho, 10 pt, Main (Black), Kerning 14 pt, Left, Line spacing 1 sp." Read-only.,office.12).gif Font Sets or returns a Font object that represents character formatting attributes applied to the specified object. Read/write.,office.12).gif Name Returns a String value indicating the name of the specified object. Read-only.,office.12).gif NextParagraphStyle Returns or sets a String that represents the paragraph style that follows the specified text style when a user presses ENTER. Read/write.,office.12).gif ParagraphFormat Returns a ParagraphFormat object representing the paragraph formatting for the specified text range or text style.,office.12).gif Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object. For example, for a TextFrame object, returns a Shape object representing the parent shape of the text frame. Read-only.