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Outlook Developer Reference

You can schedule an Outlook appointment for an Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project by creating an Appointment object and linking it with a new or existing Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project object.

The following C# and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) examples show how to create a new appointment and associate it with a new Account object.

  private void CreateAppointment()
        Outlook.ApplicationClass _app = new Outlook.ApplicationClass();
        Outlook.Application olApp = (Outlook.Application)_app;
        Outlook.NameSpace olNameSpace = _app.GetNamespace("MAPI");
        Outlook.Folders folders = olNameSpace.Session.Folders;
        Outlook.Folder bcmRootFolder = (Outlook.Folder)folders["Business Contact Manager"];
        //first create a BCM project
        Outlook.Folder accounts = (Outlook.Folder)bcmRootFolder.Folders["Accounts"];

        Outlook.ContactItem newAcct = (Outlook.ContactItem)accounts.Items.Add("IPM.Contact.BCM.Account");
        newAcct.FullName = "Wide World Importers";
        newAcct.FileAs = "Wide World Importers";
        newAcct.Email1Address = "";

        Outlook.Folder bcmHistoryFolder = (Outlook.Folder)bcmRootFolder.Folders["Communication History"];

        //Create a Outlook Appointment
        Outlook.AppointmentItem appointmentItem = (Outlook.AppointmentItem)bcmHistoryFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Appointment");
        appointmentItem.Subject = "Meet to discuss the new architecture";
        appointmentItem.Body = "Need to finalize on the Architecture...";
        appointmentItem.Start = System.DateTime.Parse("3/20/2006 1:30:00 PM");
        appointmentItem.Duration = 40;

        Outlook.JournalItem newHistoryTaskItem = (Outlook.JournalItem)bcmHistoryFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Activity.BCM");
        newHistoryTaskItem.Subject = appointmentItem.Subject;
        newHistoryTaskItem.Start = appointmentItem.Start;
        newHistoryTaskItem.Duration = appointmentItem.Duration;
        newHistoryTaskItem.Type = "Meeting";
        //If the Outlook Appointment gets deleted, then the information is preserved in the Business Activity
        newHistoryTaskItem.Body = "StartDate: " + appointmentItem.Start + "\n" + "Duration: " + appointmentItem.Duration;

        if (newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties["Parent Entity EntryID"] == null)
            Outlook.UserProperty userProp = newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties.Add("Parent Entity EntryID", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText, false, false);
            userProp.Value = newAcct.EntryID;

        if (newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties["LinkToOriginal"] == null)
            Outlook.UserProperty userProp = newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties.Add("LinkToOriginal", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText, false, false);
            userProp.Value = appointmentItem.EntryID;


  Sub CreateAppointment()

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace Dim olFolders As Outlook.Folders Dim bcmRootFolder As Outlook.Folder Dim bcmAccountsFldr As Outlook.Folder Dim bcmHistoryFolder As Outlook.Folder Dim newAcct As Outlook.ContactItem Dim newHistoryTaskItem As Outlook.JournalItem Dim newAppItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set objNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set olFolders = objNS.Session.Folders Set bcmRootFolder = olFolders("Business Contact Manager") Set bcmAccountsFldr = bcmRootFolder.Folders("Accounts") Set bcmHistoryFolder = bcmRootFolder.Folders("Communication History")

Set newAcct = bcmAccountsFldr.Items.Add("IPM.Contact.BCM.Account") newAcct.FullName = "Wide World Importers" newAcct.FileAs = "Wide World Importers" newAcct.Email1Address = "" newAcct.Save

Set newAppItem = olApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) newAppItem.Subject = "Meet to discuss the new architecture" newAppItem.Body = "Need to finalize on the Architecture..." newAppItem.Start = #3/20/2006 1:30:00 PM# newAppItem.Duration = 40 newAppItem.Save

Set newHistoryTaskItem = bcmHistoryFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Activity.BCM") newHistoryTaskItem.Subject = newAppItem.Subject newHistoryTaskItem.Start = newAppItem.Start newHistoryTaskItem.Duration = newAppItem.Duration newHistoryTaskItem.Type = "Meeting"

'If the Outlook Appointment gets deleted, then the information is preserved in the body of the Business Activity newHistoryTaskItem.Body = "StartDate: " & newAppItem.Start & vbNewLine & "Duration: " & newAppItem.Duration

If (newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties("Parent Entity EntryID") Is Nothing) Then Set userProp = newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties.Add("Parent Entity EntryID", olText, False, False) userProp.Value = newAcct.EntryID End If

If (newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties("LinkToOriginal") Is Nothing) Then Set userProp = newHistoryTaskItem.UserProperties.Add("LinkToOriginal", olText, False, False) userProp.Value = newAppItem.EntryID End If


Set newAppItem = Nothing Set newHistoryTaskItem = Nothing Set newAcct = Nothing Set bcmAccountsFldr = Nothing Set bcmHistoryFolder = Nothing Set bcmRootFolder = Nothing Set olFolders = Nothing Set objNS = Nothing Set olApp = Nothing

End Sub

See Also

About Communication History Items | Office Developer Center: Outlook 2007