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Setting up the Developer Design Environment

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To install the Office Productivity tools, the Workflow Designer for SQL Server, the Workflow Designer for Exchange Server, and Dashboard Developer tools, your computer must meet the following system requirements:

  • Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Microsoft® Windows NT4® Service Pack 6, Windows 98, or Windows Millennium edition

    Note   You must be a member of the Administrators group or Power Users group in Windows to have access to all of the features of Microsoft® Office XP Developer.

  • Office XP

  • For Workflow for SQL Server Developer tools: a version of Microsoft® SQL Server™ is required on the developer computer to use the workflow tools. The version installed on the developer computer must be the same version as on the server. For example, if the server contains SQL Server 7.0, then the developer workstation must contain SQL Server 7.0 or Microsoft® SQL Server™ Desktop Engine 7.0. If the server contains SQL Server 2000, then the developer workstation must contain SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server Desktop Engine 2000.

    Note   If you install SQL Server 2000, you must install to the default SQL Named Instance.

After meeting system prerequisites, launch Office XP Developer Setup to install the developer tools.

To install the Developer Tools

  1. Verify that all system requirements have been satisfied. Install any missing prerequisites before launching Office XP Developer Setup. During installation, if you see red text in the Feature Description window when you select a feature on the options page, then setup has detected that a necessary component is missing. Scroll down in the Feature Description window until you see the heading "Missing Features," which will describe the components that must be installed first.

  2. Install Office XP from the Office CD-ROM. The default installation installs Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications 6.3; if you customize your installation, be sure to include this as well.

  3. Install Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Desktop Engine to use the Workflow Tools for SQL Server.

  4. Launch the Office XP Developer Setup program from the Office Developer CD-ROM.

  5. Click Windows Component Update. This installs operating system components required by Office XP Developer. Insert the Windows Component Update CD-ROM, and enter the path to the CD-ROM.

    Note   The Windows Component Update does not install other system prerequisite components, such as Office XP.

  6. Click Install Office Developer.

  7. From the feature list, accept the default options, or select the check box next to the desired component.

    • To install all available productivity tools, open the Office Developer Tools node, and select the Office Developer Tools check box. To install only individual tools, clear the check box next to the tools you do not want to install.
    • To install workflow components for SQL Server, open the Workflow Developer Tools node, and select the Workflow Designer for SQL Server check box to install the development tools. Select the Workflow Manager for SQL Server check box to install the administrative tools.
    • To install workflow components for Exchange Server, open the Workflow Developer Tools node, and select the Workflow Designer for Exchange Server check box.
    • To install Dashboard Developer tools, select the Dashboard Developer Tools check box.
    • To install Software Developer Kits, open the Office Developer Tools, and select the Software Developer Kits check box.
  8. Click Install Now! to continue with Setup.

  9. When Office Developer setup is complete, you are returned to the Office Developer Setup window. Click Exit to close the window.

See Also

Setting up Microsoft Office XP Developer | Setting up the Server Environment | Selecting a SQL Server Data Source | Upgrading the Redistributable Desktop Engine to SQL Server