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Upgrading the Redistributable Desktop Engine to SQL Server

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Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Desktop Engine is a data store based on Microsoft® SQL Server™ technology, but it is designed and optimized for use on smaller computer systems, such as a single user computer or small workgroup server.

Because SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine is based on the same database engine as SQL Server, most workflow projects or client/server applications run unchanged on either the desktop engine or SQL Server. However, unlike SQL Server, the desktop engine has a two-gigabyte database size limit, does not support symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP), and cannot be a publisher for a transactional publication (although it can be a subscriber to transactional publications).

If you install the redistributable desktop engine available with Microsoft® Office XP Developer as the database engine for your workflow applications, you can upgrade later to SQL Server.

To upgrade the redistributable desktop engine to SQL Server

  1. Run SQL Server Setup, and perform the upgrade of the redistributable desktop engine.
  2. Run SQL Server Setup again, and add management tools and other required components as desired.

See Also

Setting up Microsoft Office XP Developer | Setting up the Developer Design Environment | Setting up the Server Environment | Selecting a SQL Server Data Source