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ModHFGrid Control Properties, Methods, and Events

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.


AllowBigSelection Property (ModHFGrid)

AllowUserResizing Property (ModHFGrid)

BackColor, BackColorBkg, BackColorFixed, BackColorSel Properties (ModHFGrid)

BackColorBand, BackColorHeader, BackColorIndent, BackColorUnpopulated Properties (ModHFGrid)

BandDisplay Property (ModHFGrid)

BandExpandable Property (ModHFGrid)

BandIndent Property (ModHFGrid)

BandLevel Property (ModHFGrid)

Bands Property (ModHFGrid)

CellAlignment Property (ModHFGrid)

CellBackColor, CellForeColor Properties (ModHFGrid)

CellFontBold Property (ModHFGrid)

CellFontItalic Property (ModHFGrid)

CellFontName Property (ModHFGrid)

CellFontSize Property (ModHFGrid)

CellFontStrikeThrough Property (ModHFGrid)

CellFontUnderline Property (ModHFGrid)

CellFontWidth Property (ModHFGrid)

CellHeight, CellLeft, CellTop, CellWidth Properties (ModHFGrid)

CellPicture Property (ModHFGrid)

CellPictureAlignment Property (ModHFGrid)

CellTextStyle Property (ModHFGrid)

CellType Property (ModHFGrid)

Clip Property (ModHFGrid)

Col, Row Properties (ModHFGrid)

ColAlignment, ColAlignmentBand, ColAlignmentHeader Properties (ModHFGrid)

ColAlignmentFixed Property (ModHFGrid)

ColData, RowData, BandData Properties (ModHFGrid)

ColHeader Property (ModHFGrid)

ColHeaderCaption Property (ModHFGrid)

ColIsVisible Property (ModHFGrid)

ColPos Property (ModHFGrid)

ColPosition, RowPosition Properties (ModHFGrid)

Cols, Rows Properties (ModHFGrid)

ColSel, RowSel Properties (ModHFGrid)

ColWidth Property (ModHFGrid)

ColWordWrapOption, ColWordWrapOptionBand, ColWordWrapOptionFixed, ColWordWrapOptionHeader Properties (ModHFGrid)

DataField Property (ModHFGrid)

FillStyle Property (ModHFGrid)

FixedCols, FixedRows Properties (ModHFGrid)

FocusRect Property (ModHFGrid)

Font, FontBand, FontFixed, FontHeader Properties (ModHFGrid)

FontWidth, FontWidthBand, FontWidthFixed, FontWidthHeader Properties (ModHFGrid)

ForeColor, ForeColorBand, ForeColorFixed, ForeColorHeader, ForeColorSel Properties (ModHFGrid)

FormatString Property (ModHFGrid)

GridColor, GridColorBand, GridColorFixed, GridColorHeader, GridColorIndent, GridColorUnpopulated Properties (ModHFGrid)

GridLines, GridLinesBand, GridLinesFixed, GridLinesHeader, GridLinesIndent, GridLinesUnpopulated Properties (ModHFGrid)

GridLineWidth, GridLineWidthBand, GridLineWidthFixed, GridLineWidthHeader, GridLineWidthIndent, GridLineWidthUnpopulated Properties (ModHFGrid)

HighLight Property (ModHFGrid)

LeftCol Property (ModHFGrid)

MergeCells Property (ModHFGrid)

MergeCol, MergeRow Properties (ModHFGrid)

MouseCol, MouseRow Properties (ModHFGrid)

Picture Property (ModHFGrid)

PictureType Property (ModHFGrid)

Redraw Property (ModHFGrid)

RowExpandable, RowExpanded Properties (ModHFGrid)

RowHeight Property (ModHFGrid)

RowHeightMin Property (ModHFGrid)

RowIsVisible Property (ModHFGrid)

RowPos Property (ModHFGrid)

RowSizingMode Property (ModHFGrid)

ScrollBars Property (ModHFGrid)

ScrollTrack Property (ModHFGrid)

SelectionMode Property (ModHFGrid)

Sort Property (ModHFGrid)

Text Property (ModHFGrid)

TextArray Property (ModHFGrid)

TextMatrix Property (ModHFGrid)

TextStyle, TextStyleBand, TextStyleFixed, TextStyleHeader Properties (ModHFGrid)

TopRow Property (ModHFGrid)

Version Property (ModHFGrid)

WordWrap Property (ModHFGrid)


BandColIndex Method (ModHFGrid)

Clear Method (ModHFGrid)

ClearStructure Method (ModHFGrid)

CollapseAll Method (ModHFGrid)

ExpandAll Method (ModHFGrid)

RemoveItem Method (ModHFGrid)


Collapse Event (ModHFGrid)

Compare Event (ModHFGrid)

EnterCell Event (ModHFGrid)

Expand Event (ModHFGrid)

LeaveCell Event (ModHFGrid)

RowColChange Event (ModHFGrid)

Scroll Event (ModHFGrid)

SelChange Event (ModHFGrid)

Applies To

ModHFGrid Control