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User Information Tab (Workflow Manager for SQL Server)

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

This tab displays a list of users from the workflow application User Directory, which stores information about Microsoft® Windows® users who have access to workflow applications on the server. This information is imported from Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server or Windows Active Directory through synchronization.

On the User Information tab, you can edit specific information about a user, configure the synchronization schedule, specify an Exchange Server from which to retrieve user information, and start a synchronization cycle.

Note   You cannot add and delete users from this tab; you can edit only specific information about a user. To add or delete users, use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to add a user to the database, and then synchronize.

To edit a user's properties, select a user, and click Properties.

Note   Only users with the server administrator permissions (Windows and SQL Server administrators) can edit user information.

  • User Information list
    Displays the full name, SAM Account Name, and e-mail address of users in the server's user directory. To edit this information, click Properties. However, if you have a synchronization schedule set up, any changes you make will be overwritten during the next synchronization.
  • Properties
    Displays the User Properties dialog box where you can edit information about a selected user. The amount and type of information you can edit depends on whether you are synchronizing from an Exchange 5.5 Server or from Active Directory / Exchange 2000. If you are synchronizing from Exchange 5.5, only the user's Exchange mailbox is available for editing. If you are synchronizing from Active Directory or Exchange 2000, you cannot edit any of the information fields.
  • Synchronize Now
    Synchronizes the user directory immediately using the settings specified in the Synchronization Settings dialog box.
  • Synchronization
    Displays the User Directory Synchronization Settings dialog box where you can specify either Active Directory or an Exchange Server with which to synchronize. In addition, you can set the synchronization schedule by clicking the Options button.

See Also

Managing Workflow Applications | Managing Users and Roles | Workflow Applications Tab | Templates Tab | SQL Server Template Instantiation Wizard | SQL Server Template Creation Wizard | Synchronizing User Information | Editing User Information | User Properties Dialog Box | User Directory Synchronization Settings Dialog Box