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DraftTask class

inherits members from Task

Represents a task in a checked-out project.



class DraftTask 



REST Interface

This resource supports GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, MERGE, and DELETE HTTP commands.



✓ - Read Support       ✓ʷ - Write Support


Name .NET JSOM REST Type Description
[] ✓ʷ Dictionary<string, Object> Gets or sets an item in the draft task.
ActualCost ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Double Gets or set costs incurred for work already performed on a task, together with any other recorded costs that are associated with a task.
ActualFinish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets a date and time when a task is complete.
ActualStart ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets a date and time that a task actually began, based on progress information that has been entered.
ActualWork ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the amount of work that has already been performed on a task.
ActualWorkMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of work that has already been performed on a task.
ActualWorkTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the amount of work that has already been performed on a task.
AddAfterId Guid Id of the task that immediately precedes the current task.
Assignments DraftAssignmentCollection Gets the assignments for a task.
BudgetWork ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the amount of work that is estimated to be performed on a task.
BudgetWorkMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of work that is estimated to be performed on a task.
BudgetWorkTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the amount of work that is estimated to be performed on a task.
Calendar ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Calendar Gets or sets the task calendar.
Completion ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets a completion date for a task.
ConstraintStartEnd ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets a constraint start date or end date for a task.
ConstraintType ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ConstraintType Gets or sets the time constraint type for a task.
Cost ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Double Gets or sets the total scheduled or projected cost based on costs already incurred for work performed on a task, in addition to the costs planned for the remaining work.
Deadline ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the date that was entered as a deadline for a task.
Duration ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the amount of time that it takes to complete a task.
DurationMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of time that it takes to complete a task.
DurationTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the amount of time that it takes to complete a task.
FieldValues Dictionary<string, Object> Gets the collection of custom fields that have values set for the draft task.
Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets a task finish date.
FinishText ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets a string representation of the task finish date.
FixedCost ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Double Gets or sets any non-resource task expense.
IsActive ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a task is active.
IsLockedByManager ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a task has been locked for changes by a manager.
IsManual ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a task is manually scheduled.
IsMarked ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a task has been marked as having special meaning.
IsMilestone ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a task is a milestone.
Item ✓ʷ Dictionary<string, Object> Gets or sets an item in the draft task.
LevelingAdjustsAssignments ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether leveling can delay or split assignments (rather than the task itself) to resolve overallocations.
LevelingCanSplit ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether leveling can interrupt and split a task.
Name ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the name of a task.
OutlineLevel ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the task outline level in a hierarchical task list.
Parent DraftTask Gets the parent task.
ParentId Guid Gets the Guid of the parent task in a hierarchical task list.
PercentComplete ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the percent of duration completed on a task.
PercentPhysicalWorkComplete ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the percentage of physical work completed on a task.
Predecessors DraftTaskLinkCollection Gets the links to the predecessor tasks that the current task depends on.
Priority ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the task priority.
RemainingDuration ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the remaining task duration.
RemainingDurationMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the remaining task duration.
RemainingDurationTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the remaining task duration.
Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the task start date.
StartText ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets a string representation of the task start date.
StatusManager ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ SPUser Gets or sets the task status manager.
Successors DraftTaskLinkCollection Gets links to tasks that depend on the current task.
TaskType ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TaskType Gets or sets the task type.
UsePercentPhysicalWorkComplete ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use PercentPhysicalWorkComplete orPercentComplete to compute earned value.
Work ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the total time scheduled for a task.
WorkMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the total time scheduled for a task.
WorkTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the total time scheduled for a task.


Name .NET JSOM REST Return Type Description
DeleteObject() void Deletes the draft task object.
SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value) void Sets a custom field on the draft task.

#### Method Details


Deletes the draft task object.

void DeleteObject()


Return Value


SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value)

Sets a custom field on the draft task.

void SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value)
Name Type Description
fieldName String The InternalName of the custom field to update.
value Object New value of the custom field.
Return Value


See Also
