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DesignerWindow Object Members

SharePoint Designer Developer Reference

Represents the window in which an HTML document or a frame within an HTML document is displayed.


  Name Description
alert Displays a dialog box containing an application-defined message.
confirm Displays a confirmation dialog box that contains an optional message as well as OK and Cancel buttons and returns a Boolean that represents the user's response. True indicates that the user clicked OK. False indicates that the user clicked Cancel.
item Returns an individual frame within a collection of frames in a page.


  Name Description
closed Returns a Boolean that represents whether the referenced window is closed. True indicates that the window is closed.
document Returns an Object that represents the Web page displayed in the application window.
event Returns an IHTMLEventObj interface that represents a user action that occurs on a document, window, or element within a document.
external Returns a PageWindow object that represents the window in which a page is displayed.
frames Returns an IHTMLFramesCollection2 object that represents the windows in which pages specified in FRAME elements are displayed.
length Returns a Long that represents the number of frames in a Web page, including inline frames.
Location Returns a Location object that represent the properties of the URL of an HTML document.
name Returns or sets a String that represents the name of the page window.
navigator Returns a Navigator object that represents the browser in which a document is displayed.
onbeforeunload Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onbeforeunload attribute, which is the script that runs when the onbeforeunload event fires.
onresize Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onresize attribute, which is the script that runs when the onresize event fires.
onscroll Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onscroll attribute, which is the script that runs when the onscroll event fires.
onunload Returns or sets a Variant that represents the value of the onunload attribute, which is the script that runs when the onunload event fires.
Parent Returns an EditorWindow object that represents the parent window.
self Returns an IHTMLWindow2 object that represents a reference to the current window or frame.
top Returns an IHTMLWindow2 object that represents the topmost ancestor window, which is its own parent.
window Returns a DesignerWindow object that represents the browser window. Read-only.


  Name Description
onbeforeunload Occurs before unloading a page in 2nd_SPDesignerGeneric.
onresize Occurs before a window is resized.
onscroll Occurs when a user repositions the scroll box in either the horizontal or vertical scroll bar.
onunload Occurs after a user closes a page window.