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SPWDAExtensions Members

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This class is not accessible from add-in tools. It implements .NET Extension methods for the DataRow and DataSet classes.

The SPWDAExtensions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member AddAttachment(DataRow, String, Stream) Adds an attachment to the DataRow with the specified name and contents.
Public methodStatic member AddAttachment(DataRow, String, String, Stream) Adds an attachment to the DataRow with the specified name, tag, and contents.
Public methodStatic member DeleteAttachment Deletes the specified attachment.
Public methodStatic member DeleteAttachments Deletes all attachments on the DataRow.
Public methodStatic member GetAttachment Gets the attachment with the specified name.
Public methodStatic member GetAttachments Gets all attachments on the DataRow.
Public methodStatic member GetConflicts Gets all conflict rows for the specified row.
Public methodStatic member HasAttachment Tests if the DataRow has attachments.
Public methodStatic member MergeChangedData Updates the DataSet with the change data provided by the event.
Public methodStatic member RenameAttachment Renames the specified attachment.
Public methodStatic member ReplaceAttachment Replaces the attachment contents.
Public methodStatic member ResolveConflicts Resolves DataRow conflicts.
Public methodStatic member UpdateAttachmentTag Updates the tag of the specified attachment on the DataRow.


See Also


SPWDAExtensions Class

Microsoft.Office.SharePointWorkspace.AddIn.Data Namespace