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Document Parser Interface Overview

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For a custom document parser to perform document property promotion and demotion in Windows SharePoint Services, it must implement the following document parser interfaces. These interfaces enable the document parser to be invoked by Windows SharePoint Services, and send and receive document properties when invoked.

  • ISPDocumentParser Interface

    Represents a custom document parser. This class includes the methods Windows SharePoint Services uses to invoke the document parser.

  • IParserPropertyBag Class

    Represents a property bag object used to transmit document properties between the document parser and Windows SharePoint Services. Includes methods that enable the document parser to access the content type and document library schemas for the specified document.

  • IEnumParserProperties Class

    Represents a document property collection that includes methods the document parser can use to enumerate through the document property collection.

  • IParserProperty Class

    Represents a single document property. Includes methods for the document parser to get and set the document property value and data type.

For more information about how Windows SharePoint Services invokes document parsers, and how those parsers promote and demote document metadata, see Document Parser Processing.

See Also


Custom Document Parsers

Document Parser Processing

Document Parser Definition Schema Overview

Document Parser Interface Overview